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Goshen Baptist Church

The Overflow of the Heart, November 10, 2024

The Overflow of the Heart, November 10, 2024

Sunday Morning Service - 10:45 a.m.

Locations & Times

Goshen Baptist Church

9800 Gordon Rd, Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA 22553, USA

Sunday 10:45 AM

Connection Card

Let us know who you are so we can connect with you.
The Overflow of the Heart
1 Samuel 20

For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.

1 Samuel 20 is filled with intense human emotions that provide a window into the hearts of those involved.

I. David’s heart overflows with fear (1 Samuel 20:1-11).
II. Jonathan’s heart overflows with love (1 Samuel 20:12-23).
III. Saul’s heart overflows with anger (1 Samuel 20:24-34).
IV. David’s and Jonathan’s hearts overflow with sorrow (1 Samuel 20:35-42).

Veteran's Day

Thank you to all our veterans who have served our country and sought to preserve our freedoms. Please take note of the slide show honoring the veterans that will play prior to the beginning of our service this morning. Please also take note of the insert in this bulletin with information regarding our veterans.

Thankful for our Senior Adults, TODAY

The youth would like to invite all of our senior adults (55+) to be the guests of honor at a youth-hosted banquet immediately following worship service on November 10. Please come and enjoy a time together to visit and share some wisdom, all while being served at a sit-down luncheon. A signup sheet will be on the bulletin board, or you can contact the church office to RSVP.

Job Openings

We are currently looking for a part-time director of music ministry. The job description can be found on the church website. If you or someone you know is interested, resumes can be sent to

Community Outreach, Due Nov. 17

For the past few years, our Goshen family has donated food items for four families from Spotsylvania Elementary School so they can prepare their Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. We have also purchased and wrapped requested Christmas gifts for six children. The school has asked us to support this outreach opportunity again this year. They have provided us with the four family sizes for the Thanksgiving meal and you can find the signup sheet with the needed items on the bulletin board. All food items need to be returned NLT Sunday, November 17. Thank you, Goshen family for your ongoing support to Spotsylvania Elementary and their families, they are always so very appreciative.

Impact Church Anniversary, Nov. 17

Impact Church of Fredericksburg will be celebrating 3 years as a church on Sunday, November 17 at 10am at their new location: 5024 Spotsylvania County Parkway, Fredericksburg VA. You are invited to celebrate this special day. There will also be a party after the service at Impact that you could choose to attend after worship at Goshen.

Hanging of the Greens, Nov. 29 @ 6:30 pm

Join us on Friday, November 29 at 6:30pm. We need volunteers to help decorate our church and put our Christmas tree together. For any questions, please contact Mary Vakos at (540) 582-5953.

Offering Envelopes 2025

The church office is updating the list of families or individuals who would like to receive envelope boxes for 2025. Please contact the office via email or phone if you currently have envelopes and won’t need them next year or if you don’t have envelopes this year and would like to receive them for next year. Your help is greatly appreciated. If you have any excess envelopes from this year, we would be grateful to receive them in the office for future use.

Children’s Ministry Volunteers Needed

The Children’s Ministry is urgently seeking volunteers to help with both Sunday school and Awana programs. These ministries are vital in providing a nurturing and supportive environment for children to grow in their faith, but they cannot thrive without the dedication and service of volunteers. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Melissa Czubowicz at 570-460-8707 or

Sermon Livestream

With our audio/visual upgrades in the sanctuary, you can now watch the Sunday morning worship service in the Goshen app in addition to our Facebook and YouTube pages. This will work with the mobile app on your phone and the Roku TV app. The livestream will also be available on Facebook and YouTube. If you need assistance, please reach out to the church office. We would love to help you stay connected via our Sunday morning livestream.

Goshen Merch Shop

We now have a brand-new online Goshen Merch Shop which you can find at The shop has various clothing items in multiple colors with our Goshen logo. You will pay for your items directly at the link and they will ship directly to you. If there is something you would like to see in the shop, please let the office know, and we may be able to make it happen based on availability.

Goshen Baptist Church Mobile App

We have a brand-new app for our church that you can now download from the app store on your device by simply searching for Goshen Baptist Church or by using the QR code below. The app will allow you to listen to or watch past sermons, share prayer requests, connect with a group, and access online giving. Make sure to enable push notifications through the app which will allow us to communicate with you this winter concerning any potential weather closings. Please contact the church office with any questions or if you need help downloading the app.

Goshen Guild

Meeting on the third Sunday of each month, Goshen Student Ministry will be hosting The Goshen Guild, a mission to reach the students of our community through popular table-top role play games. For more information on how to register students or getting involved in serving in this ministry, see the Student Ministry page on our website.

Gifts of Love and Offerings

Sermon Archives

You can find our recent sermons on our website, our Facebook page, and YouTube. You don't need a Facebook account to view the videos.
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