Rock Harbor Christian Fellowship
Deception and Dysfunction, Part 1 - 2 Samuel 13:1-22
How can we find hope throughout the book of Samuel? Find out this morning!
Locations & Times
Rock Harbor Christian Fellowship
1475 Quintana Rd, Morro Bay, CA 93442, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Big Idea: Sin has consequences, but, in Christ, we can find hope and a path forward to healing and renewal.
I. The Consequences of Sin: Deception (vv. 1-19)
A. David has confessed and repented of his sin and has been forgiven by the Lord (see 2 Sam. 12:13; Ps. 51). But even forgiven sin can have a painful fallout, as David discovers here with his own family, particularly the deception of his sons.
B. We see the deception of sin and its consequences in:
1. Amnon’s lust (vv. 1-14) – Amnon’s infatuation with Tamar was not love, but a lust that used her to satisfy himself.
2. Amnon’s entitled attitude – As David’s heir, Amnon likely felt that he had the privilege to take whatever he wanted.
3. Jonadab’s scheming (vv. 3-5) – Amnon foolishly listened to the counsel of his “crafty” cousin.
4. Absalom’s vengeful plotting (v. 22) – Absalom saw a path here to avenge his sister and place him in line for the throne.
C. The repercussions of sin can have a devastating impact on us and those around us. But, in Christ, there is always the hope of healing and redemption (cf. Rom. 6:23).
II. The Consequences of Sin: Dysfunction (vv. 19-22)
A. David is a courageous warrior and a bold king, but he leaves much to be desired as a husband and father. The example David set in his actions with Bathsheba and her husband, Uriah, coupled with his inaction as a father, fostered a dysfunctional family dynamic.
B. In the fruit of this dysfunction, we see:
1. Amnon’s blindness (vv. 12-16) – Much like David, Amnon was blind to his lust and the consequences it would bear.
2. David’s polygamy (cf. Deut. 17:14-17) – David’s many wives created an untenable family environment filled with jealousy and strife.
3. David’s lack of discipline (v. 21) – David was angered by Tamar’s rape, yet he did nothing to remedy the situation.
C. Actions have consequences, yet we are not left without hope. In Messiah Jesus, we see that God’s grace is greater than our past and the mistakes we have made (cf. Rom. 5:18-21).
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