CrossWay Church

October 27, 2024: 1 Corinthians 12:27-31
These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
1 Corinthians 12:4-31: Different Kinds of Gifts
I) Important things we learned about spiritual gifts last week!
A) God gives spiritual gifts to believers to advance Jesus' ___________ and ministry.
B) Spiritual gifts can be _____________ empowerments or lifelong abilities.
C) Every _____________ has spiritual gifts.
D) Every spiritual gift is ____________ important.
E) God _________________ them as He sees fit.
1) We don’t have to be _________________ when we compare our gifts to others.
2) We also shouldn’t be _______________ about our gifts.
F) For the church to function _________, we need people with different gifts.
II) Brief introduction to some of the spiritual gifts.
A) Wisdom: The Spirit of God gives you _____________ into his will in an area not spelled out directly in Scripture.
B) Knowledge: The Spirit of God gives you ______________ that is crucial to ministry that could not have been obtained in other ways.
C) Faith: The Spirit of God gives the ability to _____ that God will work in certain situations.
D) Healing: The Spirit of God gives the ability to bring physical, emotional or spiritual _______________ to someone.
E) Miracles: The Spirit of God gives the ability to perform ________________ works to reveal God’s presence and power.
F) Prophecy: The Spirit of God gives the ability to receive a message of God so that believers may be edified and ______________ and unbelievers convinced.
G) Discernment: The Spirit of God gives the ability to _________ whether something is from God, our sinful nature or Satan.
H) Tongues: The Spirit of God gives the ability to speak (worship) in a language ____________ to speaker or the ability to interpret for the church’s benefit.
I) Apostles: The Spirit of God gives the ability to ________ and oversee the development of new churches / ministries.
J) Teachers: The Spirit of God gives the ability to effectively ___________ biblical truths to help believers grow.
K) Service (Helping): The Spirit of God gives the ability to see and _________ the needs of others by helping them in practical ways.
L) Administration (Guidance): The Spirit of God gives the ability to help others effectively work _____________ to do God’s mission.
III) We need to be open to the Spirit’s leading in our lives.
What can you do to open yourself to the Spirit's leading more?
I) Important things we learned about spiritual gifts last week!
A) God gives spiritual gifts to believers to advance Jesus' ___________ and ministry.
B) Spiritual gifts can be _____________ empowerments or lifelong abilities.
C) Every _____________ has spiritual gifts.
D) Every spiritual gift is ____________ important.
E) God _________________ them as He sees fit.
1) We don’t have to be _________________ when we compare our gifts to others.
2) We also shouldn’t be _______________ about our gifts.
F) For the church to function _________, we need people with different gifts.
II) Brief introduction to some of the spiritual gifts.
A) Wisdom: The Spirit of God gives you _____________ into his will in an area not spelled out directly in Scripture.
B) Knowledge: The Spirit of God gives you ______________ that is crucial to ministry that could not have been obtained in other ways.
C) Faith: The Spirit of God gives the ability to _____ that God will work in certain situations.
D) Healing: The Spirit of God gives the ability to bring physical, emotional or spiritual _______________ to someone.
E) Miracles: The Spirit of God gives the ability to perform ________________ works to reveal God’s presence and power.
F) Prophecy: The Spirit of God gives the ability to receive a message of God so that believers may be edified and ______________ and unbelievers convinced.
G) Discernment: The Spirit of God gives the ability to _________ whether something is from God, our sinful nature or Satan.
H) Tongues: The Spirit of God gives the ability to speak (worship) in a language ____________ to speaker or the ability to interpret for the church’s benefit.
I) Apostles: The Spirit of God gives the ability to ________ and oversee the development of new churches / ministries.
J) Teachers: The Spirit of God gives the ability to effectively ___________ biblical truths to help believers grow.
K) Service (Helping): The Spirit of God gives the ability to see and _________ the needs of others by helping them in practical ways.
L) Administration (Guidance): The Spirit of God gives the ability to help others effectively work _____________ to do God’s mission.
III) We need to be open to the Spirit’s leading in our lives.
What can you do to open yourself to the Spirit's leading more?