Central Christian Church

Weekend Worship | October 27
“Instituted by God | Seek Welfare | October 27 | Romans 13:1-7
Locations & Times
Central Christian Church
2900 N Rock Rd, Wichita, KS 67226, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
1. Seek the welfare of the country we live in
2. Seek His kingdom first
3. Seek to live quietly
2. Seek His kingdom first
3. Seek to live quietly
1. Seek the welfare of your country
1. Seek the welfare of your country
a. Understanding the good
a. Understanding the good
“In order to pursue the kingdom without the King, we have had to dethrone the person of Christ and install abstract values instead. The problem should be obvious: persons can forgive you; values cannot. Values can only judge you…we have ditched the story, anonymized the Hero and kept the morals – and now we wonder why our kingdom without the King is not a place of liberation so much as a place of judgment.”
Glen Scrivener
The Air We Breathe
Glen Scrivener
The Air We Breathe
1. Seek the welfare of your country
a. Understanding the good
b. Understanding the mechanisms
i. Law of conscience
ii. Life
iii. Gender rights
vi. Marriage
a. Understanding the good
b. Understanding the mechanisms
i. Law of conscience
ii. Life
iii. Gender rights
vi. Marriage
1. Seek the welfare of your country we live in
a. Understanding the good
b. Understanding the mechanisms
c. Understanding the King
a. Understanding the good
b. Understanding the mechanisms
c. Understanding the King
Key Theme:
We are to incorporate our faith into our civic duty seeking the good of our nation, defined by God’s word through the mechanisms in place in our government.
Key Application:
We should vote and be involved letting God’s word direct not only the what (who to vote for, what policies matter, etc,) but also the how (conducting ourselves in a Christlike manner).
Key Verse:
Jeremiah 29:7 “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.”
Key Questions:
1. How can you balance your role as a citizen of God's kingdom and your responsibilities as a citizen of your country, especially when the two seem to conflict?
2. How can unbiblical views of freedom to worship, life, gender, and marriage affect other policies negatively?
3. How do you determine what policies matter for a candidate? Is that Biblical?
Key Theme:
We are to incorporate our faith into our civic duty seeking the good of our nation, defined by God’s word through the mechanisms in place in our government.
Key Application:
We should vote and be involved letting God’s word direct not only the what (who to vote for, what policies matter, etc,) but also the how (conducting ourselves in a Christlike manner).
Key Verse:
Jeremiah 29:7 “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.”
Key Questions:
1. How can you balance your role as a citizen of God's kingdom and your responsibilities as a citizen of your country, especially when the two seem to conflict?
2. How can unbiblical views of freedom to worship, life, gender, and marriage affect other policies negatively?
3. How do you determine what policies matter for a candidate? Is that Biblical?
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