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OneLife Church

Common Cents: Part 3 - Worry

Common Cents: Part 3 - Worry

Locations & Times

North Campus

3503 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Online Connection Card

Let us know that you were here, what your next step is that you are taking, or how we can pray for you and help you!

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Bottom Line: Worry wilts away when I let God be God.
1. My value is greater than I realize.

2. Worry is connected to my attempt to be God.

3. Worry is natural for the faithless.

4. When God is God I have all that I need.

What are some examples of things in our culture that you don't have to worry about because someone else is making sure it is taken care of?

What are things that people in other places or time periods had to worry about but we don't have to because it is taken care of for us?


Read Matthew 6:25-26. Have you ever stopped to consider where the birds get their food? Probably not! When you consider that humans are more valuable to God than birds, how does this illustration help you understand His desire to take care of you?

Why do you think Jesus asks this rhetorical question: Are you not more valuable than they are?

Do you think some people would answer this question differently? Why or why not? How would you explain to someone else the point that Jesus is trying to make here?

Read Matthew 6:27. This verse asks an obvious question with an obvious answer. Yet, we often worry about the things we cannot control! To practice this, each person in the micro church take a moment to do the following:

1. Write down your top three worries that you find yourself dwelling on from time to time or even daily.
2. Beside each worry write whether there is anything you can about it or not.

Now, each person share your worries and whether you can do anything about it or not. What do you notice about the worries that you wrote down and that you heard shared?

Read Matthew 6:24. This is the verse that comes right before Jesus tells us not to worry. Why do you think that Jesus links worry and money? Why do you think he links worry to what (or Who) is your master?

Read Matthew 6:31-33. What are steps that you can take this week to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness? How can or will this help you to keep your eyes focused in the right direction rather than focused on the things you would otherwise dwell on?

Take time this week to spend in more focused prayer where you can make a complete worry list of all the things that you find yourself worried about. Write beside each whether or not you can do something about it. For those things that you can do something about, make it a to-do list and pray for God's direction and guidance for each. For those that you can't do anything about, pray over each of those and give them to Jesus. Ask him to help you let those go so that He can be God and not you!

Pray for each other and the step that you committed to take in the above question. Pray that we will be committed to choosing Jesus first and foremost above all else. Pray that our minds will dwell on Jesus and NOT dwell - aka worry - about anything else so that He and He alone will be God in our lives!

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