Central Assembly

Our Possessions and God's Priorities: The Two Greats - Dr. E. Scott Martin - October 20, 2024
Locations & Times
Central Assembly
1301 N Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO 65802, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
The Great Commandment:
Heart - emotionally
Soul - volitionally
Mind - cognitively
Soul - volitionally
Mind - cognitively
We do missions because we love God!
Assuming personal responsibility
* Go
* Give
* Pray
* Welcome
* Go
* Give
* Pray
* Welcome
Loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind
“98.9 % of Icelanders aged 18–25 don’t believe in God, believe Jesus is just a historical figure, and the bible is a myth, yet they believe in elves, ferries, and demons.”
– Rice Broocks, God’s Not Dead
> No AG
> No recorded awakening
“98.9 % of Icelanders aged 18–25 don’t believe in God, believe Jesus is just a historical figure, and the bible is a myth, yet they believe in elves, ferries, and demons.”
– Rice Broocks, God’s Not Dead
> No AG
> No recorded awakening