OneLife Church

Common Cents: Part 2 - Control
Locations & Times
North Campus
3503 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Online Connection Card
Let us know that you were here, what your next step is that you are taking, or how we can pray for you and help you! Back
Give Jesus your best in 2024! Click below to give your tithes and offerings. Line: What I choose is what controls me.
1. Treasure affects spiritual sight.
2. Spiritual investments open spiritual eyes.
3. I can only look to one God at a time.
When have you made a choice to do something or start something new and you noticed how much control it had over how you thought, spent your time, or even spent your money?
When have you made a choice to do something or start something new and you noticed how much control it had over how you thought, spent your time, or even spent your money?
Read Matthew 6:19-24. Verses 22-23 may seem out of place until you recognize them as an illustration for the verses that come before and after. How do you understand the connection between the illustration about our eyes and storing up treasure?
Read Matthew 6:19-24. Verses 22-23 may seem out of place until you recognize them as an illustration for the verses that come before and after. How do you understand the connection between the illustration about our eyes and storing up treasure?
When have you begun to invest your time and/or money into spiritual things and how did you notice that it changed or affected what you paid attention to or how you thought?
When have you had to choose between serving God or money? What made the choice easy or what made the choice difficult?
When have you experienced the truth that money can become a master that competes with your relationship with God? How did the way you spent your time revolve around the material or earthly things?
When have you begun to invest your time and/or money into spiritual things and how did you notice that it changed or affected what you paid attention to or how you thought?
When have you had to choose between serving God or money? What made the choice easy or what made the choice difficult?
When have you experienced the truth that money can become a master that competes with your relationship with God? How did the way you spent your time revolve around the material or earthly things?
What is a step that you need to take this week to serve Jesus first and foremost in the way you view or invest your finances and things?
How does this impact the way you can or the way you will share your story with those where you live, work, and play? How will the way you view money and things be different than the way most of those around you do?
What is a step that you need to take this week to serve Jesus first and foremost in the way you view or invest your finances and things?
How does this impact the way you can or the way you will share your story with those where you live, work, and play? How will the way you view money and things be different than the way most of those around you do?
Pray for each other and the step that you committed to take in the above question. Pray that we will be committed to choosing Jesus first and foremost above all else!
Pray for each other and the step that you committed to take in the above question. Pray that we will be committed to choosing Jesus first and foremost above all else!
About OneLife Church
OneLife Church exists to see people discover Jesus and how their one life can make a difference. We are passionate about it! Head over to to learn more about us!