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Cold Springs Church

A Life Worth Living

A Life Worth Living

Two Paths In Life

Locations & Times

Cold Springs Church

2600 Cold Springs Rd, Placerville, CA 95667, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

A Life Worth Living

- What Is Your Perspective?

Elton Law - The Refugee Crisis in Hong Kong

Two Paths

- Narrow vs. Wide
- Scarcity vs. Abundance
- Victim vs. Creator
A Life Worth Living
The Overflowing Life

- We can live life with a belief of scarcity or of abundance. Only one of them will result in an overflowing life, the life Jesus offers. An overflowing life is a blessed life that also blesses others. It’s all about the stewardship of our Health, Wealth and Time.
Taking The Lid Off

- To receive from Jesus and others requires we are open to receiving. You can’t fill a bucket with the lid on.
Lessons From The Garden (Genesis 3)
The Lid of Self-Sufficiency

The Lie - God is holding out on you; therefore, it’s all up to you.

Take the lid off. Practice surrender.
The Lid of Fear

The Lie - God is not good and loving; therefore, I need to protect myself from him.

Take the lid off. Practice trust.
The Lid of Anger & Bitterness

The Lie - God and others are making me miserable; therefore, I can’t trust them.

Take the lid off. Practice forgiveness.
The Lid of Shame

The Lie - I am too broken to be loved; therefore, I need to hide from God and others.

Take the lid off. Practice vulnerability.
Stewardship Is The Practice of Surrendered Dependence on Jesus

- Health
- Wealth
- Time
Questions To Consider:

1. What is a story from your life where something that seemed to be bad turned out to be for your blessing? (Romans 8:26-30)

2. What additional divergent paths do you see in the world we live in? (Matthew 7:12-14)

3. Which of the Lids do you most commonly wrestle with? How do you remove the lid to receive the life Jesus offers? (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

4. Where do you want to grow in stewardship? (Proverbs 3:5-6)


Our goal here at Cold Springs Church is transparency. We operate solely on the generosity of those who call Cold Springs home and give regularly to support the mission and vision we are committed to carrying out. God invites us to worship Him in all areas of our lives, including the way we spend our money. Because it is an act of worship, God is more interested in the shape of our heart than the size of our gift.