Goshen Baptist Church

Returning to the Scene of the Prime, October 6, 2024
Sunday Morning Service - 10:45 a.m.
Locations & Times
Goshen Baptist Church
9800 Gordon Rd, Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA 22553, USA
Sunday 10:45 AM
Connection Card
Let us know who you are so we can connect with you.
https://goshenbaptistchurch.net/connect-with-usReturning to the Scene of the Prime
Psalm 51: 12-13
You cannot have a ________ past
You cannot have a ________ past
You can have a better future.
Every church wants to be a ________ _______ controlled church
GOD requires 2 things of us:
1) _____________ and 2) Obedience
If you don’t like change you will really hate being ___________.
God never called, led, commanded, or directed anyone to do His will that didn’t involve ________ and/or personal _____________.
God doesn’t want us just to be obedient, He demands our ______________ obedience.
Never underestimate what God will do with your obedience.
God can change it all by His grace.
Psalm 51: 12-13
You cannot have a ________ past
You cannot have a ________ past
You can have a better future.
Every church wants to be a ________ _______ controlled church
GOD requires 2 things of us:
1) _____________ and 2) Obedience
If you don’t like change you will really hate being ___________.
God never called, led, commanded, or directed anyone to do His will that didn’t involve ________ and/or personal _____________.
God doesn’t want us just to be obedient, He demands our ______________ obedience.
Never underestimate what God will do with your obedience.
God can change it all by His grace.
Goshen Belvedere Night, Oct. 11 @ 6 pm
Join us around the campfire at Belvedere Plantations on Oct. 11 from 6:00-10:00 pm! Hot dogs and S'more's fixin's will be provided. Bring your own chair and get ready to have some fun! Cost is $18.73 per ticket, register online! Contact Sarah Martin for more details. Goshen.Sarah.M@Gmail.com.
NC Fair Ministry, Oct. 13-28
Please pray for the ministry at the NC State Fair during Oct 13-28. Don and Linda Shrum will be serving. The gospel will be shared, prayers and encouragement given, and hope in Jesus will be extended. Also, prayers for safe travels for all the Campers on Missions who are traveling in to serve.
Youth Ministry Halloween Party, Oct. 26 @ 5 pm
Students in middle and high school are invited to join us in the fellowship hall on Saturday, October 26 from 5:00 pm-8:00 pm for a Mystery Dinner Theatre party. Costumes are welcomed and encouraged, as well as your best seasonal-themed appetizer or dessert. We will also be carving pumpkins. Prizes will be given for the best costume, dish, and pumpkin. This event is free, but please sign up using the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board or on the Student Ministry page online to let us know you're coming.
Thankful for our Senior Adults, Nov. 10
The youth would like to invite all of our senior adults (55+) to be the guests of honor at a youth-hosted banquet immediately following worship service on November 10. Please come and enjoy a time together to visit and share some wisdom, all while being served at a sit-down luncheon. A signup sheet will be on the bulletin board, or you can contact the church office to RSVP.
Good News Club Snacks Needed
Good News Club has started again at Spotsylvania Elementary School with 38 registered students. We need snacks for the children. They get a snack when they arrive and then one when they leave. Below is a link to sign up and provide them for the students. You can either bring them to the school or give them to Karen Jones at church on the Sunday before the meeting.
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E44ADA92CA1FCC43-47277771-good#/Children’s Ministry Volunteers Needed
The Children’s Ministry is urgently seeking volunteers to help with both Sunday school and Awana programs. These ministries are vital in providing a nurturing and supportive environment for children to grow in their faith, but they cannot thrive without the dedication and service of volunteers. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Melissa Czubowicz at 570-460-8707 or melczub@gmail.com.
Sermon Livestream
With our audio/visual upgrades in the sanctuary, you can now watch the Sunday morning worship service in the Goshen app. This will work with the mobile app on your phone. It will also work with the Roku TV app. The livestream will also be available on Facebook and YouTube. If you need assistance, please reach out to the church office. We would love to help you stay connected via our Sunday morning livestream.
Goshen Merch Shop
We now have a brand-new online Goshen Merch Shop which you can find at https://thechurch.shop/shop/goshenbaptist/. The shop has various clothing items in multiple colors with our Goshen logo. You will pay for your items directly at the link and they will ship directly to you. If there is something you would like to see in the shop, please let the office know, and we may be able to make it happen based on availability.
https://thechurch.shop/shop/goshenbaptist/Goshen Baptist Church Mobile App
We have a brand-new app for our church that you can now download from the app store on your device by simply searching for Goshen Baptist Church or by using the QR code below. The app will allow you to listen to or watch past sermons, share prayer requests, connect with a group, and access online giving. Make sure to enable push notifications through the app which will allow us to communicate with you this winter concerning any potential weather closings. Please contact the church office with any questions or if you need help downloading the app.
https://subsplash.com/goshenbaptistchurch/appGoshen Guild
Meeting on the third Sunday of each month, Goshen Student Ministry will be hosting The Goshen Guild, a mission to reach the students of our community through popular table-top role play games. For more information on how to register students or getting involved in serving in this ministry, see the Student Ministry page on our website.
Gifts of Love and Offerings
http://goshenbaptistchurch.net/giveSermon Archives
You can find our recent sermons on our website, our Facebook page, and YouTube. You don't need a Facebook account to view the videos.
https://goshenbaptistchurch.net/sermonsWhat to Expect
Visiting for the first time? We want you to know what you'll find at Goshen.
Tools for Growth
We want to equip you and your family to grow as followers of Christ.
For Kids
See what we offer - just for kids!
For Teens
Who We Are
Find out how we want to make a lasting difference in your life, our community, and the world.
Our Beliefs
Learn what we believe as fully devoted followers of Christ
Visiting for the first time? We want you to know what you'll find at Goshen.
Tools for Growth
We want to equip you and your family to grow as followers of Christ.
For Kids
See what we offer - just for kids!
For Teens
Who We Are
Find out how we want to make a lasting difference in your life, our community, and the world.
Our Beliefs
Learn what we believe as fully devoted followers of Christ