Creekside Church || Wasilla, AK
Weekly Sermon Notes
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Creekside Church || Wasilla, AK
2201 S Knik-Goose Bay Rd, Wasilla, AK 99654, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
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“FOR THE ONE”…I want this to be more than a title of a sermon series here at Creekside, my prayer is that in the days and years to come this three word statement becomes the anthem of creekside church! ||
—> LAST WEEK: was OUR CALL…love God/love others || in light of this calling, to be disciples who love God and love others…how does that fit within our mission statement here at Creekside Church? (show mission statement on screen, I WILL READ FROM SCREEN)
—> TODAY: We are going to start walking through our mission statement taking a look at that first brick… || we will PROCLAIM CHRIST (crucified and risen)…
- The problem with mission statements…can seem disconnected with individuals || when we say “creekside church will PROCLAIM CHRIST”…we mean that as individuals, as members of the body of Christ and local body of Creekside Church, we will actively PROCLAIM CHRIST to others
- As a church, in all of our ministries we will make it a priority to PROCLAIM CHRIST in all that we do || As an individual, you will make it a priority to PROCLAIM CHRIST in all that you do
- So lets talk about what that means (in the simplest way possible)
- This week we will focus on the GOSPEL and next week we will be looking at our IDENTITY in Jesus.
“FOR THE ONE”…I want this to be more than a title of a sermon series here at Creekside, my prayer is that in the days and years to come this three word statement becomes the anthem of creekside church! ||
—> LAST WEEK: was OUR CALL…love God/love others || in light of this calling, to be disciples who love God and love others…how does that fit within our mission statement here at Creekside Church? (show mission statement on screen, I WILL READ FROM SCREEN)
—> TODAY: We are going to start walking through our mission statement taking a look at that first brick… || we will PROCLAIM CHRIST (crucified and risen)…
- The problem with mission statements…can seem disconnected with individuals || when we say “creekside church will PROCLAIM CHRIST”…we mean that as individuals, as members of the body of Christ and local body of Creekside Church, we will actively PROCLAIM CHRIST to others
- As a church, in all of our ministries we will make it a priority to PROCLAIM CHRIST in all that we do || As an individual, you will make it a priority to PROCLAIM CHRIST in all that you do
- So lets talk about what that means (in the simplest way possible)
- This week we will focus on the GOSPEL and next week we will be looking at our IDENTITY in Jesus.
- Here is the truth…we are completely incapable of changing anyone. As a pastor, I cannot, no matter how much I desire it, I cannot change you, your heart, your mind…I am powerless to make any of those changes. You and I cannot change the people around us, in our own power, with our own abilities, we cannot change the beliefs, attitudes and actions of people we dearly love who are far from God, or even believers who are living in disobedience. We are not able to make any of those changes
- But…here is the good news…God can! And He does this by his Holy Spirit who is at work, accomplishing the will of the Father to bring glory to Him.
[John 16:13-14]
“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.”
[John 15:26]
“But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.”
- And the Holy Spirit empowers us to PROCLAIM CHRIST
[ACTS 1:8]
“But you will receive POWER when the HOLY SPIRIT has come upon you, and YOU WILL BE MY WITNESSES in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
- I’m thankful for that truth. It doesn’t rest on me or you to change people, the Holy Spirit was sent to us to empower us to PROCLAIM CHRIST…he will do the changing! (Our job is to go and sow/His job is to make it grow)
- The Gospel shared is the power of God to save us
[ROMANS 1:16]
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…”
- So we have power from the Holy Spirit to share the gospel, that is the power of God to save everyone who believes
- Here is the truth…we are completely incapable of changing anyone. As a pastor, I cannot, no matter how much I desire it, I cannot change you, your heart, your mind…I am powerless to make any of those changes. You and I cannot change the people around us, in our own power, with our own abilities, we cannot change the beliefs, attitudes and actions of people we dearly love who are far from God, or even believers who are living in disobedience. We are not able to make any of those changes
- But…here is the good news…God can! And He does this by his Holy Spirit who is at work, accomplishing the will of the Father to bring glory to Him.
[John 16:13-14]
“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.”
[John 15:26]
“But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.”
- And the Holy Spirit empowers us to PROCLAIM CHRIST
[ACTS 1:8]
“But you will receive POWER when the HOLY SPIRIT has come upon you, and YOU WILL BE MY WITNESSES in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
- I’m thankful for that truth. It doesn’t rest on me or you to change people, the Holy Spirit was sent to us to empower us to PROCLAIM CHRIST…he will do the changing! (Our job is to go and sow/His job is to make it grow)
- The Gospel shared is the power of God to save us
[ROMANS 1:16]
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…”
- So we have power from the Holy Spirit to share the gospel, that is the power of God to save everyone who believes
—> When we talk about “PROCLAIMING JESUS” we are telling others and ourselves THE GOSPEL. THE GOSPEL is the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS, but it isn’t just for spiritually dead people…THE GOSPEL IS FOR EVERYONE ALL THE TIME!
1] JUSTIFICATION…to be saved from the penalty of sin
(this is a past work that is is positional...“I AM IN CHRIST”
2] SANCTIFICATION…being saved from the power of sin
3] GLORIFICATION…will be saved from the presence of sin
(this is a future is a promise that will be permanent...“I WILL BE WITH CHRIST FOREVER”
[1] THE GOSPEL IS A PLAN. [1 COR 15:3–4] “3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures” —- When it says, “in accordance with the Scriptures,” it means there was a plan. A long time ago, God had an idea, a plan, to do the gospel.
[2] THE GOSPEL IS AN EVENT Jesus died in history. If he didn’t die in history and rise in history, there’s no gospel. It is an event.
[3] THE GOSPEL IS AN ACCOMPLISHMENT Jesus accomplished something at that moment when he died…sin was punished, righteousness was completed and perfected, and the wrath of God was satisfied. [2 COR 5:21]“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” —- a great exchange, Jesus’ righteousness (perfection, holiness) for our sin!
[4] THE GOSPEL IS A FREE GIFT THROUGH FAITH [ROM 6:23]“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”—- if Christ accomplished something for you, and you say, “What must I do to be saved?” If my reply is, “work hard,” then there’s no gospel. This is a FREE GIFT, received by faith alone, this has to be a part of what the gospel is. It is a free accomplishment. You receive it only by faith.
[5] THE GOSPEL IS THE APPLICATION OF BENEFITS TO US BY THE HOLY SPIRIT —- when you come to faith, your sins are forgiven and the righteousness of Jesus is now counted as yours. You are justified. The wrath of God has been removed. God’s total reconciliation now comes home to you. That application to you by the Holy Spirit is the gospel.
[6] THE GOSPEL IS UNION WITH GOD —- Most people stop at #5 when they think of the Gospel. These first 5 are referred to as “JUSTIFICATION” …but the last one moves us into another aspect of the Gospel… “SANCTIFICATION”…there is more to the gospel than just being forgiven so I don’t go to hell…there is way more to it than that…it is about our eternal union with God…most people don’t want to go to hell, but are they willing to surrender all of their life, submit themselves, die to themselves, take up their cross and follow Jesus…to actually live in union with God? That is a really important part of the gospel…There’s a relationship here that’s been wrecked. All of those amazing gifts: forgiveness, justification, reconciliation, and wrath removed are leading to something… Are we going to be man-centered about this or God-centered? Is becoming a christian all about you and your good feelings, about you avoiding hell or is it about living in relationship, union with God through Jesus? —-
- Here’s the key text.
[1 PETER 3:18]
“For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit…”
- What if you just stop at the thought, “I just want to be forgiven. I just want to be justified. I just don't want him to be mad at me. I just don’t want to be in hell. I just like to be with mom and dad in heaven”? This is about God. Do you want him? Would it be the end of your soul’s quest to say, “I have you now. I’m home with the Father”?
- That’s the end of the gospel.
- That’s what makes the gospel good news, ultimately.
- Those six things are where you see the riches of the glory of Christ most fully displayed.
—> When we talk about “PROCLAIMING JESUS” we are telling others and ourselves THE GOSPEL. THE GOSPEL is the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS, but it isn’t just for spiritually dead people…THE GOSPEL IS FOR EVERYONE ALL THE TIME!
1] JUSTIFICATION…to be saved from the penalty of sin
(this is a past work that is is positional...“I AM IN CHRIST”
2] SANCTIFICATION…being saved from the power of sin
3] GLORIFICATION…will be saved from the presence of sin
(this is a future is a promise that will be permanent...“I WILL BE WITH CHRIST FOREVER”
[1] THE GOSPEL IS A PLAN. [1 COR 15:3–4] “3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures” —- When it says, “in accordance with the Scriptures,” it means there was a plan. A long time ago, God had an idea, a plan, to do the gospel.
[2] THE GOSPEL IS AN EVENT Jesus died in history. If he didn’t die in history and rise in history, there’s no gospel. It is an event.
[3] THE GOSPEL IS AN ACCOMPLISHMENT Jesus accomplished something at that moment when he died…sin was punished, righteousness was completed and perfected, and the wrath of God was satisfied. [2 COR 5:21]“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” —- a great exchange, Jesus’ righteousness (perfection, holiness) for our sin!
[4] THE GOSPEL IS A FREE GIFT THROUGH FAITH [ROM 6:23]“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”—- if Christ accomplished something for you, and you say, “What must I do to be saved?” If my reply is, “work hard,” then there’s no gospel. This is a FREE GIFT, received by faith alone, this has to be a part of what the gospel is. It is a free accomplishment. You receive it only by faith.
[5] THE GOSPEL IS THE APPLICATION OF BENEFITS TO US BY THE HOLY SPIRIT —- when you come to faith, your sins are forgiven and the righteousness of Jesus is now counted as yours. You are justified. The wrath of God has been removed. God’s total reconciliation now comes home to you. That application to you by the Holy Spirit is the gospel.
[6] THE GOSPEL IS UNION WITH GOD —- Most people stop at #5 when they think of the Gospel. These first 5 are referred to as “JUSTIFICATION” …but the last one moves us into another aspect of the Gospel… “SANCTIFICATION”…there is more to the gospel than just being forgiven so I don’t go to hell…there is way more to it than that…it is about our eternal union with God…most people don’t want to go to hell, but are they willing to surrender all of their life, submit themselves, die to themselves, take up their cross and follow Jesus…to actually live in union with God? That is a really important part of the gospel…There’s a relationship here that’s been wrecked. All of those amazing gifts: forgiveness, justification, reconciliation, and wrath removed are leading to something… Are we going to be man-centered about this or God-centered? Is becoming a christian all about you and your good feelings, about you avoiding hell or is it about living in relationship, union with God through Jesus? —-
- Here’s the key text.
[1 PETER 3:18]
“For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit…”
- What if you just stop at the thought, “I just want to be forgiven. I just want to be justified. I just don't want him to be mad at me. I just don’t want to be in hell. I just like to be with mom and dad in heaven”? This is about God. Do you want him? Would it be the end of your soul’s quest to say, “I have you now. I’m home with the Father”?
- That’s the end of the gospel.
- That’s what makes the gospel good news, ultimately.
- Those six things are where you see the riches of the glory of Christ most fully displayed.
COLOSSIANS 1:3-29...
- I’d like to spend the rest of our time reading (and reaping) a passage that I believe addresses all of these aspects and gives us the goal of PROCLAIMING CHRIST, to ourselves and to others (spiritually dead and spiritually alive)…
Vs 3-8
- We see a nod to what we talked about last week…that a disciple is one who is loving God (faith in Christ Jesus) and loving others (love that you have for all the saints) || and what motivates us as a disciple is found in vs 5a… “the hope laid up for you in heaven” (glorified) || He lays this foundation of the gospel in front of them (justified) in vs5b-6… he calls the gospel the ‘WORD OF TRUTH’ and says that ever since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth that the gospel is bearing fruit and increasing among you || man that is my prayer for you, for us, as a church, for the valley…that as we hear and understand the word of truth, and really grasp the eternal weight of it all that we would be PROCLAIMING CHRIST in every way, so that the gospel bears fruit increasingly!!!
Vs 9-12
- These verses really unpack for us SANCTIFICATION…what ‘being saved from the power of sin’ looks like! || Paul was praying that these disciples would…
1] be filled with the knowledge of God’s will (all spiritual wisdom/understanding) —> that by the power and filling of the Holy Spirit they would understand what God was leading them to do
2] To walk in a manner worthy of the Lord —> that their lives would bring glory to the Lord…walking in, being led by, in step with the Spirit (Gal 5) —> which would really, fully please him…God is pleased when we walk with him, bringing glory to him in the everyday stuff of life
3] That the disciples would bear fruit in every good work and increasingly grow in the knowledge of God —> John 15 Jesus gave us the same challenge…to abide in him, stay connected to him…so that we might bear fruit (some, more, much, abiding…idea of increasingly bear more)
4] That we would be able to live this life with ENDURANCE, WITH PATIENCE, AND WITH JOY, being strengthened with all power (where does that come from < the Holy Spirit > ) and that we would GIVE THANKS to the Father —> this is a life of surrender, in the midst of trials, living with gratitude, in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT…this is sanctification at work in us… || and then he touches on what Jesus has done for us and our eternity (glorified)…Jesus qualified us (not our works, but his work) to be able to share in the eternal inheritance with all of the other disciples of Jesus!
Vs 13-14
- Paul reminds us of what the Gospel is…what the Father has done through Jesus and what his finished work has done (justified)
- We have REDEMPTION! FORGIVENESS OF OUR SINS! WOO HOO!!! Man that is such good news!
Vs 15-20
- You know those questions I have given you? Who is God? What did he do? || Paul answers that in these verses…he is clear that the answer to that first question…who is God? He is Jesus, the Son
1] Jesus is the IMAGE OF THE INVISIBLE GOD (equality) the exact nature of the Father (JN 1:1) “in the beginning was the Word…with God, was God”
2] Jesus is the FIRSTBORN OF ALL CREATION signifies Jesus’ priority, sovereignty over creation, and that he possesses the inheritance and leadership of being the positionally firstborn of the Father…Jesus is the Son and has existed eternally, was not created, but took on flesh —- everything was created by him…everything —- he is BEFORE ALL THINGS —- HOLDS EVERYTHING TOGETHER
3] Jesus is the HEAD OF THE CHURCH and that means all churches and specifically this church!
4] Jesus is the FIRSTBORN FROM THE DEAD (he resurrected from the dead and ascended to heaven) which makes him “preeminent”…superior to all others
5] All the fullness of God was pleased to dwell in JESUS —- again another statement proclaiming Jesus as God
6] Jesus RECONCILED ALL THINGS, MAKING PEACE THROUGH HIS DEATH on the cross —- debt is paid, sin is forgiven, we can now be a part of God’s family
Vs 21-23
Q: Who am I? (Justified) I was spiritual dead…alienated and hostile…doing evil deeds. But now I am spiritually alive…reconciled…blameless…holy…above reproach. Because I HEARD the Gospel that had been PROCLAIMED TO ME
Vs 24-29
- Paul was focused on ‘making the word of God fully known’…which is our call too! PROCLAIMING CHRIST…helping everyone know everything we can help them know from God’s Word! || and the key things are what he ends with
1]THE GOSPEL AT WORK: that we would know the greatest riches that have been given to us…CHRIST IN US…a result of justification —- a present reality in our sanctification —- and a future hope… “THE HOPE OF GLORY”…our future home forever with Jesus (glorified)!
- I’d like to spend the rest of our time reading (and reaping) a passage that I believe addresses all of these aspects and gives us the goal of PROCLAIMING CHRIST, to ourselves and to others (spiritually dead and spiritually alive)…
Vs 3-8
- We see a nod to what we talked about last week…that a disciple is one who is loving God (faith in Christ Jesus) and loving others (love that you have for all the saints) || and what motivates us as a disciple is found in vs 5a… “the hope laid up for you in heaven” (glorified) || He lays this foundation of the gospel in front of them (justified) in vs5b-6… he calls the gospel the ‘WORD OF TRUTH’ and says that ever since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth that the gospel is bearing fruit and increasing among you || man that is my prayer for you, for us, as a church, for the valley…that as we hear and understand the word of truth, and really grasp the eternal weight of it all that we would be PROCLAIMING CHRIST in every way, so that the gospel bears fruit increasingly!!!
Vs 9-12
- These verses really unpack for us SANCTIFICATION…what ‘being saved from the power of sin’ looks like! || Paul was praying that these disciples would…
1] be filled with the knowledge of God’s will (all spiritual wisdom/understanding) —> that by the power and filling of the Holy Spirit they would understand what God was leading them to do
2] To walk in a manner worthy of the Lord —> that their lives would bring glory to the Lord…walking in, being led by, in step with the Spirit (Gal 5) —> which would really, fully please him…God is pleased when we walk with him, bringing glory to him in the everyday stuff of life
3] That the disciples would bear fruit in every good work and increasingly grow in the knowledge of God —> John 15 Jesus gave us the same challenge…to abide in him, stay connected to him…so that we might bear fruit (some, more, much, abiding…idea of increasingly bear more)
4] That we would be able to live this life with ENDURANCE, WITH PATIENCE, AND WITH JOY, being strengthened with all power (where does that come from < the Holy Spirit > ) and that we would GIVE THANKS to the Father —> this is a life of surrender, in the midst of trials, living with gratitude, in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT…this is sanctification at work in us… || and then he touches on what Jesus has done for us and our eternity (glorified)…Jesus qualified us (not our works, but his work) to be able to share in the eternal inheritance with all of the other disciples of Jesus!
Vs 13-14
- Paul reminds us of what the Gospel is…what the Father has done through Jesus and what his finished work has done (justified)
- We have REDEMPTION! FORGIVENESS OF OUR SINS! WOO HOO!!! Man that is such good news!
Vs 15-20
- You know those questions I have given you? Who is God? What did he do? || Paul answers that in these verses…he is clear that the answer to that first question…who is God? He is Jesus, the Son
1] Jesus is the IMAGE OF THE INVISIBLE GOD (equality) the exact nature of the Father (JN 1:1) “in the beginning was the Word…with God, was God”
2] Jesus is the FIRSTBORN OF ALL CREATION signifies Jesus’ priority, sovereignty over creation, and that he possesses the inheritance and leadership of being the positionally firstborn of the Father…Jesus is the Son and has existed eternally, was not created, but took on flesh —- everything was created by him…everything —- he is BEFORE ALL THINGS —- HOLDS EVERYTHING TOGETHER
3] Jesus is the HEAD OF THE CHURCH and that means all churches and specifically this church!
4] Jesus is the FIRSTBORN FROM THE DEAD (he resurrected from the dead and ascended to heaven) which makes him “preeminent”…superior to all others
5] All the fullness of God was pleased to dwell in JESUS —- again another statement proclaiming Jesus as God
6] Jesus RECONCILED ALL THINGS, MAKING PEACE THROUGH HIS DEATH on the cross —- debt is paid, sin is forgiven, we can now be a part of God’s family
Vs 21-23
Q: Who am I? (Justified) I was spiritual dead…alienated and hostile…doing evil deeds. But now I am spiritually alive…reconciled…blameless…holy…above reproach. Because I HEARD the Gospel that had been PROCLAIMED TO ME
Vs 24-29
- Paul was focused on ‘making the word of God fully known’…which is our call too! PROCLAIMING CHRIST…helping everyone know everything we can help them know from God’s Word! || and the key things are what he ends with
1]THE GOSPEL AT WORK: that we would know the greatest riches that have been given to us…CHRIST IN US…a result of justification —- a present reality in our sanctification —- and a future hope… “THE HOPE OF GLORY”…our future home forever with Jesus (glorified)!
- The Holy Spirit EMPOWERS us to PROCLAIM the GOSPEL
- The GOSPEL is the power of God to SAVE US
- The GOSPEL is applied to our lives in three ways:
---JUSTIFICATION (saved from penalty of sin)…
---SANCTIFICATION (being saved from the power of sin)…
---GLORIFICATION (will be saved from the presence of sin)…
-The GOSPEL reminds us who we were, who we are now, who Jesus is and what he has done to reconcile us to God
-The GOSPEL leads us to be united with God…a life of surrender, obedience, abiding with and following our King
-We must PROCLAIM CHRIST so that we can make the Word of God fully known and that we might help everyone grow in maturity in Christ
- The Holy Spirit EMPOWERS us to PROCLAIM the GOSPEL
- The GOSPEL is the power of God to SAVE US
- The GOSPEL is applied to our lives in three ways:
---JUSTIFICATION (saved from penalty of sin)…
---SANCTIFICATION (being saved from the power of sin)…
---GLORIFICATION (will be saved from the presence of sin)…
-The GOSPEL reminds us who we were, who we are now, who Jesus is and what he has done to reconcile us to God
-The GOSPEL leads us to be united with God…a life of surrender, obedience, abiding with and following our King
-We must PROCLAIM CHRIST so that we can make the Word of God fully known and that we might help everyone grow in maturity in Christ
- Have you repented of your sins and received the forgiveness that Jesus has provided through his death and resurrection? (Rom 6:23, 10:9)
- Are you allowing the gospel to do its work in your heart, drawing you to Jesus, changing your desires,
- Are you proclaiming christ? (Demonstrate and declare)…For the ONE…as we begin to identify the ‘one’ God has called us to love, with a name, a face, are you proclaiming christ to them in word and deed?
- Have you repented of your sins and received the forgiveness that Jesus has provided through his death and resurrection? (Rom 6:23, 10:9)
- Are you allowing the gospel to do its work in your heart, drawing you to Jesus, changing your desires,
- Are you proclaiming christ? (Demonstrate and declare)…For the ONE…as we begin to identify the ‘one’ God has called us to love, with a name, a face, are you proclaiming christ to them in word and deed?