Southview Baptist Church

Not The Way It's Supposed To Be — Three Truths To Cling To
Pastor Nathan Wakefield concludes a brief series on grieving. This week, we learn that when life is hard, we must remember that we live in a broken and fallen world, that God is sovereign, and that we are not home yet. Video of the worship service is available beginning Sunday at 9:30 AM at
Locations & Times
Southview Baptist Church
3434 S 13th St, Lincoln, NE 68502, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
1. There is no sugarcoating the truth: Our world is broken (5:21‑26).
• Brokenness can affect anyone, whether rich or poor, righteous or unrighteous, young or old (21‑23).
• Brokenness does not wait until the time is convenient to rear its head (24‑25).
• Brokenness can be relentless (26).
Action: Consider your own life. When have you been faced with brokenness?
• Brokenness can affect anyone, whether rich or poor, righteous or unrighteous, young or old (21‑23).
• Brokenness does not wait until the time is convenient to rear its head (24‑25).
• Brokenness can be relentless (26).
Action: Consider your own life. When have you been faced with brokenness?
2. But there is hope because our God is sovereign (5:27‑36).
• The sovereign God of the universe has made himself accessible to anyone (27).
• The sovereign God of the universe has an intentional plan and knows all the details (28‑34).
• The sovereign God of the universe allows brokenness but promises redemption (35‑36).
Action: Evaluate your view on brokenness. Do you believe that God can redeem your brokenness?
• The sovereign God of the universe has made himself accessible to anyone (27).
• The sovereign God of the universe has an intentional plan and knows all the details (28‑34).
• The sovereign God of the universe allows brokenness but promises redemption (35‑36).
Action: Evaluate your view on brokenness. Do you believe that God can redeem your brokenness?
3. And so we can continue in the already‑not‑yet, knowing that we are not home yet (37‑43).
• Living in the already‑not‑yet means that we don’t know all the details of God’s plans (37).
• Living in the already‑not‑yet means the pain of brokenness is still very real (38).
• Living in the already‑not‑yet means hope is sometimes unbelievable (39‑40a).
• Living in the already‑not‑yet means we can only imagine what God has in store for us (40b‑43).
Action: Reflect on the already‑not‑yet. Are you willing to accept that there is so much more coming?
• Living in the already‑not‑yet means that we don’t know all the details of God’s plans (37).
• Living in the already‑not‑yet means the pain of brokenness is still very real (38).
• Living in the already‑not‑yet means hope is sometimes unbelievable (39‑40a).
• Living in the already‑not‑yet means we can only imagine what God has in store for us (40b‑43).
Action: Reflect on the already‑not‑yet. Are you willing to accept that there is so much more coming?
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In addition to the audio for this sermon, we livestream our service beginning at 9:30 AM on Sundays, and it is available for replay anytime at the conclusion of the service.