Living Grace Foursquare Church

Peace in the Storm
Sunday Service
Locations & Times
Living Grace Foursquare Church
3646 N Rancho Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89130, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Peace in the Storm
Living Grace
I knew I was teaching and had been asking the Lord all week what I was supposed to speak about today, though I kept asking the Lord. It did not become clear to me until I talked to a pastor at Phelan Church.
As I spoke to her, she was packing up her home to evacuate to the church because her house was in the Fire Evacuation zone. She did not know if she would come back to a home or just charred ashes.
I asked Melissa how she was in the midst of this crisis. She said, "I am at peace." I know that no matter how much I worry about what is to come, it does me no good, so I am at peace in my situation.
The statement shocked me at that moment. Then, I knew I was to speak on peace in the storm.
Melissa said, "Tomorrow, I have a food distribution. I am going to do it to help people who need it." I was shocked and could hardly contain myself in her response.
Later that day, I was having lunch and in a Zoom meeting with the FDR team. As I briefed the four fires I was working on, I realized just how many of the same conversations I had that day.
So, on the 23rd anniversary of September 11, I heard the Lord say, "You are going to speak about peace in the midst of the storm."
I have always thought that the best sermons and best teachings are always about what the speaker is dealing with. Let's see if what I have to say today still holds.
So, I will share some insight into my world as I continue to monitor and assist in aiding the victims of the Line, Bridge, Airport, and Davis fires on the anniversary of the most devastating day in our country's history.
Pray for a moment about each of the fires and the September 11 anniversary.
Quick update on the fires: Line fire, Camp Cedar Crest provided food as soon as they evacuated the 450 campers. They took the tri-tip, which is usually dinner on the last night of camp, to feed the firefighters since the food line was not set up yet. It was a true blessing to the firefighters.
Bridge Fire Pastor potentially lost her home but still opened her church to provide shelter and food distribution to locals in Wrightwood. Estimates say that 50 % of church members lost their homes. At least 39 homes are lost, which we can confirm.
Picture of Phelan food distribution
Adelanto Foursquare church had 11 cases of towels donated to them and did not know what to do with them, so they threw them in storage. Pastor Kristi showed up to help in the Red Cross evacuation center in Victorville. The Red Cross had showers but no towels, so God also worked that out.
Photo of the cases of towels
The Airport fire: the bridge church in RSM opened up their church for two days to the victims who were evacuated; after two days, the fire moved on, and people went back to their homes, and the membership of the church moved right over to Lake Elsinore to assist those churches that are more challenged with resources and is assisting them with the help of FDR.
And finally, the Davis fire in Northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe, and the Reno area. Many of those people have farm-type animals, and churches in North Reno have opened up their barns to the animals and churches for the people.
A picture of the animals
Kennels first and then Dog with its mom.
Let's read the scripture this morning.
But first, I want to set it up a little.
Jesus had been teaching in many places and to many people that a following arose that wanted to hear him teach.
Some might have had wrong motives to catch Jesus saying something they deemed inappropriate, inaccurate, or just plain blasphemous.
I am sure others came with pure motives, wanting to hear from this Jesus guy they did not know much about but liked what they heard.
Regardless, there were so many people on the banks of the Sea of Galilee that there was no platform or ground where Jesus could stand to teach.
So he decided to take the boat into the water and teach from that venue.
Mark 4:35-41
Read from the Actual Bible
Jesus Calms the Storm
35 That day, when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side."
36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him.
37 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped.
(Share the commentary from the written Bible)
38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"
39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, peace! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
40 He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
41 They were terrified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"
How often have you been caught in a severe storm like the one Jesus and the Disciples were in?
I would venture to say that none of us have been in such an actual storm! It is said that when these storms come through the Sea of Galilee, they can have swells exceeding 6 feet,
How did Jesus react? He was asleep. He spoke with Calm authority and peace. He said peace be still!!
The word the Lord has been speaking to me is PEACE!!
Any guess how many times the word peace is used in the Bible? 429
At the very core of things, I think that peace is in knowing what I am in charge of and what I am not in charge of.
When to hold onto control and when to relinquish that control. My friend Melissa, whom I spoke about initially, was so calm it was unbelievable, and she had peace during her storm.
Show the fire map just for fun.
In this crazy time, we are living in right now, I am not speaking about the physical peace from a storm like in the story, though with the crazy fires and hurricanes, extreme temperatures, shootings, and political unrest in the US and the world, gender issues, and all of the natural disasters right now this is certainly an area of concern.
Instead, I hope to talk about what I call "Peace Busters" and how to overcome them.
These things are trying to derail your peace and steal your joy.
So what is peace or the biblical term Shalom:
PEACE. The OT word for peace, šālôm, means 'completeness,' 'soundness,' 'well-being' or wholeness.
The word is used when one asks for or prays for the welfare of another, when one is in harmony or accord with another, and when one seeks the good of a city or country.
It may mean material prosperity or physical safety.
But also, it may mean spiritual well-being.
Such peace is associated with righteousness and truth, not wickedness. Biblical peace is not the result of two warring nations in a ceasefire.
Peace comes as God's gift because of the world's chaos through man's sin; the Messianic hope was of an age of peace or the advent of the Prince of peace.
The NT shows the fulfillment of this Hope.
In Christ, peace has come.
By Him, it's given, and his disciples are its messengers.
We are Christ's Disciples and are to be messengers of peace.
For sinful man, there must first be peace with God and the removal of sin's enmity through the sacrifice of Christ.
Then inward peace can follow, unhindered by the world's strife.
Peace between man and God is part of the purpose for which Christ died and of the Spirit's work, but man must also be active in promoting it, not merely as the elimination of discord but as the harmony and proper functioning of the body of Christ.
I wrote a few things down that are peace busters for me, and just for the record, some of these are affecting me right now, so I am not talking to you, but I am talking to us today.
I pray that is fair enough.
Things that hijack our peace (Peace busters)
1. Fear - I am sure we have experienced fear at one time or another. But the Bible repeatedly tells us to fear not, for I am with you. It also says to maintain the fear of the Lord, healthy fear, and any other type of fear, which is the acronym. (False Evidence Appearing Real).
I am sure that, amid these fires, some are fearful, but I did not see it in any of the Christian leaders I encountered this last week.
All placed their Hope in Christ and did not give into fear. By the way, a friend uses Hope as an acronym, saying Hope is (Hold on pain ends) or (Have only positive Expectations). I like both!
2. Busyness – The enemy does not have to lead us astray. He only has to have us so busy that we spend no time with the Lord. I have had to let some things go because I was so busy that I could not do anything well.
Pastor Charles Shoemake told me when I was doing my master's. He said we need to change our priorities and operate our lives at 70% capacity so that we have room for it when God wants to add something to our agenda. That was a revolutionary thought for me to comprehend. It is something I hope Pastor Richie has been able to experience,
3. Being drawn out of our comfort zone – Being asked to do things I am uncomfortable with, like this right now. I can speak overseas and have no issue, but speaking in my church is frightening to me.
Stories of God stretching me beyond what I felt I could do. I have told you guys before with FDR that I am the international guy and have never responded to a domestic response. So, when I was asked to handle the Line fire 10 minutes after I was assigned, I inherited the Bridge, Airport, and Dayton fires.
Talk about being thrown out of the frying pan and into the fire. Did you get that out of the frying pan and into the fire???? This peace buster was good for me as it made me feel better next time. And now it will not be a peace buster.
4. Technology - Phones/Social Media/Computers/Television Comparisons. Eliminating technology distractions is a good thing and something I have recently done. I have deleted all social media. It is dangerous for me and a distraction I do not need
5. Health concerns – Parent's Health issues: My and Jackie's parents are always on our minds.
6. Politics – Various political issues and our views on each. Whether or not we like our elected officials or not. It's not my president issue!!
We need to be involved in politics, but I will not live in that world constantly. Jesus was and remains still on the throne through all political leadership changes,
7. Family issues/concerns – Discord among families—story of reconciliation in the family following the accident.
8. Trying to control people or circumstances that are out of your control. – You may have a boss who wants something done a certain way, and you are opposed to that approach. Unless it is ethically wrong, is it worth the fight?
9. Investing in other people that will continue to let you down. Little Bear
9. Life changes/ Role changes - Parenting our parents.
10. Hidden or undealt with sin
Those are my peace busters. What are some of your Peace busters??
Heaven has got big plans for you!! Please don't waste time on minor issues; they are distractions.
Where do you find peace?
1. In the prayer closet.
2. At the gym
3. At the church. Not even necessarily at times of service. September 11 story, I ran to the church for some sort of peace.
4. I find peace in my car driving, and I feel like I am closer to God. I love getting in the car, turning off all the noise, and driving. I find myself up in the mountains often, and It seems to be good for me
5. Some probably find peace in Drugs and Alcohol (which is, by the way, false peace)
*Any other places where you find peace not mentioned.
Worship team, please.
Keys to find peace
1. Confront head on what is causing the disruption. Sin, unspoken words.
2. Perform acts of kindness and service Like my friend Melissa or Kellinee—October 1 story.
3. Surrender what is disrupting your peace. Allow the Lord to carry that he is capable.
4. Seek counsel on what is robbing you of peace. Marriage, mourning, addiction
5. Be as healthy as you can be; when you are healthy, you can better ward off the peace busters.
6. Completely surrender to the Lord what is stealing your peace.
7. Pray in earnest for God to restore your peace.
I pray right now that you will respond to the Lord as he seeks to be peace in your life. We will not even escape all of the strife in our lives, and it will never be good all the time, but guess what?
Jesus is always good and will bring you peace amid the storm if you just let him.
He will speak in your time of storm Peace
Living Grace
I knew I was teaching and had been asking the Lord all week what I was supposed to speak about today, though I kept asking the Lord. It did not become clear to me until I talked to a pastor at Phelan Church.
As I spoke to her, she was packing up her home to evacuate to the church because her house was in the Fire Evacuation zone. She did not know if she would come back to a home or just charred ashes.
I asked Melissa how she was in the midst of this crisis. She said, "I am at peace." I know that no matter how much I worry about what is to come, it does me no good, so I am at peace in my situation.
The statement shocked me at that moment. Then, I knew I was to speak on peace in the storm.
Melissa said, "Tomorrow, I have a food distribution. I am going to do it to help people who need it." I was shocked and could hardly contain myself in her response.
Later that day, I was having lunch and in a Zoom meeting with the FDR team. As I briefed the four fires I was working on, I realized just how many of the same conversations I had that day.
So, on the 23rd anniversary of September 11, I heard the Lord say, "You are going to speak about peace in the midst of the storm."
I have always thought that the best sermons and best teachings are always about what the speaker is dealing with. Let's see if what I have to say today still holds.
So, I will share some insight into my world as I continue to monitor and assist in aiding the victims of the Line, Bridge, Airport, and Davis fires on the anniversary of the most devastating day in our country's history.
Pray for a moment about each of the fires and the September 11 anniversary.
Quick update on the fires: Line fire, Camp Cedar Crest provided food as soon as they evacuated the 450 campers. They took the tri-tip, which is usually dinner on the last night of camp, to feed the firefighters since the food line was not set up yet. It was a true blessing to the firefighters.
Bridge Fire Pastor potentially lost her home but still opened her church to provide shelter and food distribution to locals in Wrightwood. Estimates say that 50 % of church members lost their homes. At least 39 homes are lost, which we can confirm.
Picture of Phelan food distribution
Adelanto Foursquare church had 11 cases of towels donated to them and did not know what to do with them, so they threw them in storage. Pastor Kristi showed up to help in the Red Cross evacuation center in Victorville. The Red Cross had showers but no towels, so God also worked that out.
Photo of the cases of towels
The Airport fire: the bridge church in RSM opened up their church for two days to the victims who were evacuated; after two days, the fire moved on, and people went back to their homes, and the membership of the church moved right over to Lake Elsinore to assist those churches that are more challenged with resources and is assisting them with the help of FDR.
And finally, the Davis fire in Northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe, and the Reno area. Many of those people have farm-type animals, and churches in North Reno have opened up their barns to the animals and churches for the people.
A picture of the animals
Kennels first and then Dog with its mom.
Let's read the scripture this morning.
But first, I want to set it up a little.
Jesus had been teaching in many places and to many people that a following arose that wanted to hear him teach.
Some might have had wrong motives to catch Jesus saying something they deemed inappropriate, inaccurate, or just plain blasphemous.
I am sure others came with pure motives, wanting to hear from this Jesus guy they did not know much about but liked what they heard.
Regardless, there were so many people on the banks of the Sea of Galilee that there was no platform or ground where Jesus could stand to teach.
So he decided to take the boat into the water and teach from that venue.
Mark 4:35-41
Read from the Actual Bible
Jesus Calms the Storm
35 That day, when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side."
36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him.
37 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped.
(Share the commentary from the written Bible)
38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"
39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, peace! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
40 He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
41 They were terrified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"
How often have you been caught in a severe storm like the one Jesus and the Disciples were in?
I would venture to say that none of us have been in such an actual storm! It is said that when these storms come through the Sea of Galilee, they can have swells exceeding 6 feet,
How did Jesus react? He was asleep. He spoke with Calm authority and peace. He said peace be still!!
The word the Lord has been speaking to me is PEACE!!
Any guess how many times the word peace is used in the Bible? 429
At the very core of things, I think that peace is in knowing what I am in charge of and what I am not in charge of.
When to hold onto control and when to relinquish that control. My friend Melissa, whom I spoke about initially, was so calm it was unbelievable, and she had peace during her storm.
Show the fire map just for fun.
In this crazy time, we are living in right now, I am not speaking about the physical peace from a storm like in the story, though with the crazy fires and hurricanes, extreme temperatures, shootings, and political unrest in the US and the world, gender issues, and all of the natural disasters right now this is certainly an area of concern.
Instead, I hope to talk about what I call "Peace Busters" and how to overcome them.
These things are trying to derail your peace and steal your joy.
So what is peace or the biblical term Shalom:
PEACE. The OT word for peace, šālôm, means 'completeness,' 'soundness,' 'well-being' or wholeness.
The word is used when one asks for or prays for the welfare of another, when one is in harmony or accord with another, and when one seeks the good of a city or country.
It may mean material prosperity or physical safety.
But also, it may mean spiritual well-being.
Such peace is associated with righteousness and truth, not wickedness. Biblical peace is not the result of two warring nations in a ceasefire.
Peace comes as God's gift because of the world's chaos through man's sin; the Messianic hope was of an age of peace or the advent of the Prince of peace.
The NT shows the fulfillment of this Hope.
In Christ, peace has come.
By Him, it's given, and his disciples are its messengers.
We are Christ's Disciples and are to be messengers of peace.
For sinful man, there must first be peace with God and the removal of sin's enmity through the sacrifice of Christ.
Then inward peace can follow, unhindered by the world's strife.
Peace between man and God is part of the purpose for which Christ died and of the Spirit's work, but man must also be active in promoting it, not merely as the elimination of discord but as the harmony and proper functioning of the body of Christ.
I wrote a few things down that are peace busters for me, and just for the record, some of these are affecting me right now, so I am not talking to you, but I am talking to us today.
I pray that is fair enough.
Things that hijack our peace (Peace busters)
1. Fear - I am sure we have experienced fear at one time or another. But the Bible repeatedly tells us to fear not, for I am with you. It also says to maintain the fear of the Lord, healthy fear, and any other type of fear, which is the acronym. (False Evidence Appearing Real).
I am sure that, amid these fires, some are fearful, but I did not see it in any of the Christian leaders I encountered this last week.
All placed their Hope in Christ and did not give into fear. By the way, a friend uses Hope as an acronym, saying Hope is (Hold on pain ends) or (Have only positive Expectations). I like both!
2. Busyness – The enemy does not have to lead us astray. He only has to have us so busy that we spend no time with the Lord. I have had to let some things go because I was so busy that I could not do anything well.
Pastor Charles Shoemake told me when I was doing my master's. He said we need to change our priorities and operate our lives at 70% capacity so that we have room for it when God wants to add something to our agenda. That was a revolutionary thought for me to comprehend. It is something I hope Pastor Richie has been able to experience,
3. Being drawn out of our comfort zone – Being asked to do things I am uncomfortable with, like this right now. I can speak overseas and have no issue, but speaking in my church is frightening to me.
Stories of God stretching me beyond what I felt I could do. I have told you guys before with FDR that I am the international guy and have never responded to a domestic response. So, when I was asked to handle the Line fire 10 minutes after I was assigned, I inherited the Bridge, Airport, and Dayton fires.
Talk about being thrown out of the frying pan and into the fire. Did you get that out of the frying pan and into the fire???? This peace buster was good for me as it made me feel better next time. And now it will not be a peace buster.
4. Technology - Phones/Social Media/Computers/Television Comparisons. Eliminating technology distractions is a good thing and something I have recently done. I have deleted all social media. It is dangerous for me and a distraction I do not need
5. Health concerns – Parent's Health issues: My and Jackie's parents are always on our minds.
6. Politics – Various political issues and our views on each. Whether or not we like our elected officials or not. It's not my president issue!!
We need to be involved in politics, but I will not live in that world constantly. Jesus was and remains still on the throne through all political leadership changes,
7. Family issues/concerns – Discord among families—story of reconciliation in the family following the accident.
8. Trying to control people or circumstances that are out of your control. – You may have a boss who wants something done a certain way, and you are opposed to that approach. Unless it is ethically wrong, is it worth the fight?
9. Investing in other people that will continue to let you down. Little Bear
9. Life changes/ Role changes - Parenting our parents.
10. Hidden or undealt with sin
Those are my peace busters. What are some of your Peace busters??
Heaven has got big plans for you!! Please don't waste time on minor issues; they are distractions.
Where do you find peace?
1. In the prayer closet.
2. At the gym
3. At the church. Not even necessarily at times of service. September 11 story, I ran to the church for some sort of peace.
4. I find peace in my car driving, and I feel like I am closer to God. I love getting in the car, turning off all the noise, and driving. I find myself up in the mountains often, and It seems to be good for me
5. Some probably find peace in Drugs and Alcohol (which is, by the way, false peace)
*Any other places where you find peace not mentioned.
Worship team, please.
Keys to find peace
1. Confront head on what is causing the disruption. Sin, unspoken words.
2. Perform acts of kindness and service Like my friend Melissa or Kellinee—October 1 story.
3. Surrender what is disrupting your peace. Allow the Lord to carry that he is capable.
4. Seek counsel on what is robbing you of peace. Marriage, mourning, addiction
5. Be as healthy as you can be; when you are healthy, you can better ward off the peace busters.
6. Completely surrender to the Lord what is stealing your peace.
7. Pray in earnest for God to restore your peace.
I pray right now that you will respond to the Lord as he seeks to be peace in your life. We will not even escape all of the strife in our lives, and it will never be good all the time, but guess what?
Jesus is always good and will bring you peace amid the storm if you just let him.
He will speak in your time of storm Peace