First Wesleyan Church
Above and Beyond - Matthew 5:38-42
Locations & Times
First Wesleyan Church
3040 Marlin Dr, Rapid City, SD 57703, USA
Sunday 7:50 AM
Sunday 9:50 AM
How should we respond when we are wronged?
1. You have heard things, but what does Jesus say?
2. We are not to resist the one who does evil.
The law of retaliation must be made consistent with the law of love: nor, if any have injured us, is our recompense in our own hands, but in the hands of God, to whose wrath we must give place; and sometimes in the hands of his vicegerents, where it is necessary for the preservation of the public peace; but it will not justify us in hurting our brother to say that he began, for it is the second blow that makes the quarrel; and when we were injured, we had an opportunity not to justify our injuring him, but to show ourselves the true disciples of Christ, by forgiving him.- Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible.
1. When we are wronged, we should go above and beyond.
1. Go above and beyond when offering another opportunity.
2. Go above and beyond when making peace.
3. Go above and beyond for everyone.
4. Go above and beyond with generosity.
2. Go above and beyond when making peace.
3. Go above and beyond for everyone.
4. Go above and beyond with generosity.
5. Go above and beyond when lending to people.
Sermon Questions
Please Read Matthew 5:38-42 out loud, then answer the following questions as a group.
1. What stood out to you or has resonated about this week's message?
2. What are some teachings from our culture that we have heard that are scripturally accurate, and what are some that are scripturally inaccurate? Why is it important to know God's word in light of the teachings we hear from our culture?
3. Why do we feel the need to retaliate? What happens when we go too far in getting "even," and how do we balance not being a doormat and not being vengeful?
4. Out of the five examples Jesus gives in Matthew 5:39-42. Which example do you need to align or surrender your life to Christ's desire for you?
5. Have you ever had to serve someone you did not like or an enemy? How did you serve them in a Christ-like manner, or how would you have served them differently?
6. We are called to go above and beyond when being generous. Why could this be challenging when we encounter people who ask for money on the streets? How should we treat and respond to those individuals asking for money?
Please Read Matthew 5:38-42 out loud, then answer the following questions as a group.
1. What stood out to you or has resonated about this week's message?
2. What are some teachings from our culture that we have heard that are scripturally accurate, and what are some that are scripturally inaccurate? Why is it important to know God's word in light of the teachings we hear from our culture?
3. Why do we feel the need to retaliate? What happens when we go too far in getting "even," and how do we balance not being a doormat and not being vengeful?
4. Out of the five examples Jesus gives in Matthew 5:39-42. Which example do you need to align or surrender your life to Christ's desire for you?
5. Have you ever had to serve someone you did not like or an enemy? How did you serve them in a Christ-like manner, or how would you have served them differently?
6. We are called to go above and beyond when being generous. Why could this be challenging when we encounter people who ask for money on the streets? How should we treat and respond to those individuals asking for money?