Canyon Ridge Christian Church
Locations & Times
Canyon Ridge Christian Church
6200 W Lone Mountain Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89130, USA
Saturday 4:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:30 AM
Unhurried: On Purpose Group Study
Everyone becomes someone, whether arbitrarily or with intention. Whether it’s acknowledged or not, every person has habits, rhythms, and routines that grow each of us - for better or worse. God is always forming his people to become like him for the sake of the world. Take time to discover how you can shape yourself in God’s direction with extraordinary prayer."Radically ordinary hospitality - those who live it see strangers as neighbors and neighbors as family of God. They recoil at reducing a person to a category or a label. They see God's image reflected in the eyes of every human being on earth." - Rosaria Butterfield The Gospel Comes with a Housekey
Are we hurried, missing what God has been inviting us to?
Are you wondering if there is a place for you?
There is still room.
He is a God of welcome.
Hosting Well...
- Imagine
- Prepare
- Provide
- Invite
- Welcome.
- Imagine
- Prepare
- Provide
- Invite
- Welcome.
“It isn’t enough to say that we ourselves are the people dragged in from country lanes, to our surprise, to enjoy God’s party. That may be true; but party guests are then expected to become party hosts in their turn.” - NT Wright
Growing in Hospitality:
1. Widen Our Circle
2. Clean Up the Calendar
3. Limit Our Lifestyle
1. Widen Our Circle
2. Clean Up the Calendar
3. Limit Our Lifestyle
“Living out radically ordinary hospitality leaves us with plenty to share, because we intentionally live below our means.” - Rosaria Butterfield The Gospel Comes with a Housekey
Prayer Walk
Imagine the impact that would happen in Las Vegas if everyone at Canyon Ridge committed to praying for their neighborhood! On August 28th, rally your people at 6p and commit to a prayer walk in a location from your relational map, like your neighborhood or a local park where you regularly encounter others."Practicing radically ordinary hospitality necessitates building margin time into the day, time where regular routines can be disrupted but not destroyed. This margin stays open for the Lord to fill." – Rosaria Butterfield The Gospel Comes with a Housekey
How will I order life toward Gospel Hospitality?
How will I begin this week?
How will I begin this week?
Become A Partner
In what ways are my prayers consistent, specific, and extraordinary?
What is my next step in becoming a person of prayer?