Covenant Baptist Church

The Truth Is, God is Still In Israel's Corner and We Should Be Too.
Pastor Brian begins part 5 of the What Is Truth series. Join us as we learn what the Bible says the value of human life both in and outside of the womb.
Locations & Times
Covenant Baptist Church
1350 E Industrial Rd, Mt Vernon, MO 65712, USA
Sunday 9:10 AM

The Truth Is, God Is Still in Israel's Corner and We Should Be Too.
Focus Points
Five lessons we learn from Paul’s teaching about Israel’s election, judgment, and ultimate salvation:
1. God’s election of Israel and His plan for them is still intact. So, let’s thank God for His unconditional faithfulness. (v. 1-11, 28-32)
Five lessons we learn from Paul’s teaching about Israel’s election, judgment, and ultimate salvation:
1. God’s election of Israel and His plan for them is still intact. So, let’s thank God for His unconditional faithfulness. (v. 1-11, 28-32)
2. Israel’s rejection of Jesus means inclusion for us. So, let’s see Israel as our friend. (v. 12-18)
3. Israel is not without fault or beyond accountability. So, let’s acknowledge their imperfections. (v. 19-24)
4. Israel has a God-given right and responsibility to protect themselves and their land. So, let’s understand that they are justified in their fight against Hamas. (Romans 13:1-4)
5. Evangelism to our neighbors is salvation for Israel. So, let’s go share Jesus. (v. 25-27)
Response Questions
1. On what basis do we know that God is not done with Israel? Why does that matter to those of us who are Gentiles?
2. How does Israel's rejection of Jesus benefit the rest of the world, and how is God using the inclusion of the rest of the world for the benefit of Israel?
3. Does supporting Israel mean turning a blind eye to their faults? Why or why not?
4. How should we as Christians feel about and respond to the current war between Hamas and Israel?
5. Who will you share Jesus with today for his/her salvation and for the salvation of Israel?
1. On what basis do we know that God is not done with Israel? Why does that matter to those of us who are Gentiles?
2. How does Israel's rejection of Jesus benefit the rest of the world, and how is God using the inclusion of the rest of the world for the benefit of Israel?
3. Does supporting Israel mean turning a blind eye to their faults? Why or why not?
4. How should we as Christians feel about and respond to the current war between Hamas and Israel?
5. Who will you share Jesus with today for his/her salvation and for the salvation of Israel?
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