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New Heights Church

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Verse and Title: John 16:4b-15 - The Helper, part 2

Locations & Times

The Boys and Girls Club

560 N Rupple Rd, Fayetteville, AR 72704, USA

Sunday 9:33 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

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- How many followers of Jesus suffer from a spiritual life that is dry and mechanical?

- How many serve a Jesus, whom they know about from the Bible, but who is not a living reality in their experience?
Our teach this morning is about why it’s better to have the Holy Spirit living inside of us than it is to have Jesus walking beside us.
1. He possesses a divine personality and personally chooses people for ministry assignments.
1. He possesses a divine personality and personally chooses people for ministry assignments.

2. He communicates with us and searches out the deeper things of God to make them known to believers.
1. He possesses a divine personality and personally chooses people for ministry assignments.

2. He communicates with us and searches out the deeper things of God to make them known to believers.

3. He gives really definitive instructions.

This ministry of the Spirit is what he does in and through and by means of you and me!
Jesus was only one person, limited to one place in space. But through the Spirit he is present everywhere his people are found. It is through the disciples (and us now) that Jesus continues his ministry through the Spirit whom he sends to them. It is through our preaching of the gospel and our lives given in love for one another that the Holy Spirit brings conviction to the hearts of people in the world.
We, the Church, are the means by which the Spirit does his work in the world.
1. Convicts of Sin
2. Convicts us of God’s Righteousness
3. ​Convicts of the Coming Judgment
- Holy Spirit will be our truth Guide
- Holy Spirit will only speak God’s truth

- Confession of sin.

- “Holy Spirit fill me afresh that I might live by your power and keep in step with You.”

- “Holy Spirit I want to abide with Jesus and experience His presence in a deeper way as I pray, read His word, meditate and commit to community. Please help me to do this.”
Moment by Moment:

- “Holy Spirit I need your wisdom, like, right now! Please give it to me in this counseling moment, this tough conversation, this encounter with my boss or co-worker.”

- “Holy Spirit, as I’m attempting to share the gospel with my lost family member or friend, please convict them of what they need to be convicted of. Draw them to Jesus that they might have eternal and abundant life. I need your help to not say the wrong thing but to say the right thing.”