Real Life Church KC

The G.O.S.P.E.L: Being Bold Without Being Preachy
Locations & Times
Kentucky Trail Elementary
8301 E 163rd St, Belton, MO 64012, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
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Whether you've never been to church before, or grew up attending church weekly, plan your experience to join us this weekend! you've never been to church before, or grew up attending church weekly, plan your experience to join us this weekend!
Let's learn a conversational way to share the Gospel.
Principle #1:
Principle #2
In a Spiritually Bankrupt World, Your Testimony is the Opening Deposit!
In a Spiritually Bankrupt World, Your Testimony is the Opening Deposit!
Principle #3
The Power of the GOSPEL is in Sharing the Cross!
The Power of the GOSPEL is in Sharing the Cross!
Principle #4
We simply lovingly share and God Shreds
We simply lovingly share and God Shreds
It’s not our job to SAVE PEOPLE….
It’s our job to Share with people….
It’s our job to Share with people….
Principle #5
The Gospel is best shared in Conversations - in Dialogue.
The Gospel is best shared in Conversations - in Dialogue.
Principle #6
Don’t simply invite people to pray a prayer, but also to now live for Christ!
Don’t simply invite people to pray a prayer, but also to now live for Christ!
Principle #7
Principle #8
Recognize the Spirit’s leading and their response.
Recognize the Spirit’s leading and their response.
Principle #8
Share with GREAT Expectation that God will Move
Share with GREAT Expectation that God will Move
His willingness is often far greater than our witness.
God created Us to be with Him.
I’m NOT suggesting you do what I do on this stage, BUT I am suggesting that you do what I could never do on yours.
Talk It Over:
• Begin with a brief prayer, asking for open hearts and minds as you discuss the themes from today’s message.
Opening Discussion:
How did the 7-Day Social Media Fast go for you? What impact did it have on your focus and spiritual life?
How do you feel about the idea of "finding your voice" in sharing your faith? What challenges come to mind?
Confidence in Sharing the Gospel:
The message asked, "How many of you feel confident sharing your faith?" What about you—how confident do you feel, and why?
What are some barriers that prevent you from sharing your faith more often?
The Power of Your Testimony:
Acts 2:32 mentions being witnesses to Jesus' resurrection. What have you witnessed God do in your own life that you could share with others?
Why do you think your personal story is a powerful tool in sharing the Gospel? How can you use it to start a conversation about faith?
Divine Appointments:
The message mentioned turning mundane moments into Divine Appointments. Can you recall a moment when an everyday situation turned into an opportunity to share your faith? How did it happen, and what was the result?
How can you be more intentional about recognizing and seizing these Divine Appointments in your daily life?
The Role of the Cross:
Acts 4:12 states that salvation is found only in Jesus. How does this truth influence the way you approach sharing the Gospel with others?
The message emphasized not being preachy but being bold. How can you balance sharing the truth of the Gospel with grace and love in your conversations?
The Power of God’s Word:
Hebrews 4:12 says that God's Word is alive and active. How can memorizing and sharing scripture empower you in your conversations about faith?
How can we rely on the Holy Spirit to "cut to the heart" of those we share with, rather than feeling the pressure to convince them ourselves?
Sharing Through Conversations:
Why is it important to share the Gospel in the context of a conversation rather than through more confrontational methods like street preaching or social media posts?
How can you create an environment where someone feels comfortable enough to ask you about your faith?
Living Out the Gospel:
The sermon encouraged not just inviting someone to pray a prayer but to live for Christ. What does it look like to truly live out the Gospel in your daily life?
How can you help someone you lead to Christ start living out their faith? What steps can you take to support them?
Making It Personal:
Acts 2:39 mentions that the promise of the Gospel is for everyone. How can you make the message of the Gospel personal when sharing it with someone who feels far from God?
What are some ways you can encourage others to see themselves as loved and valued by God, even if they feel they are too far gone?
Responding to the Spirit’s Leading:
The message highlighted recognizing the Spirit’s leading and responding to it. How can you become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s promptings in your interactions with others?
How do you handle the challenge of speaking truth in love, especially when it involves uncomfortable or difficult conversations?
Expecting God to Move:
2 Peter 3:9 reminds us that God desires everyone to come to repentance. How can this truth fuel your expectation and boldness in sharing the Gospel?
How can we encourage each other to share the Gospel with the expectation that God will move in the hearts of those we speak to?
Final Reflection:
The message ended with the reminder that God created us to be with Him. How does this foundational truth shape your approach to sharing the Gospel?
What is one action step you can take this week to be bolder in sharing your faith with someone in your life? How can the group support you in this?
Prayer and Commitment:
Spend time praying as a group for boldness, opportunities, and wisdom to share the Gospel effectively.
Commit to sharing your faith with at least one person this week and ask the group to hold you accountable.
• Begin with a brief prayer, asking for open hearts and minds as you discuss the themes from today’s message.
Opening Discussion:
How did the 7-Day Social Media Fast go for you? What impact did it have on your focus and spiritual life?
How do you feel about the idea of "finding your voice" in sharing your faith? What challenges come to mind?
Confidence in Sharing the Gospel:
The message asked, "How many of you feel confident sharing your faith?" What about you—how confident do you feel, and why?
What are some barriers that prevent you from sharing your faith more often?
The Power of Your Testimony:
Acts 2:32 mentions being witnesses to Jesus' resurrection. What have you witnessed God do in your own life that you could share with others?
Why do you think your personal story is a powerful tool in sharing the Gospel? How can you use it to start a conversation about faith?
Divine Appointments:
The message mentioned turning mundane moments into Divine Appointments. Can you recall a moment when an everyday situation turned into an opportunity to share your faith? How did it happen, and what was the result?
How can you be more intentional about recognizing and seizing these Divine Appointments in your daily life?
The Role of the Cross:
Acts 4:12 states that salvation is found only in Jesus. How does this truth influence the way you approach sharing the Gospel with others?
The message emphasized not being preachy but being bold. How can you balance sharing the truth of the Gospel with grace and love in your conversations?
The Power of God’s Word:
Hebrews 4:12 says that God's Word is alive and active. How can memorizing and sharing scripture empower you in your conversations about faith?
How can we rely on the Holy Spirit to "cut to the heart" of those we share with, rather than feeling the pressure to convince them ourselves?
Sharing Through Conversations:
Why is it important to share the Gospel in the context of a conversation rather than through more confrontational methods like street preaching or social media posts?
How can you create an environment where someone feels comfortable enough to ask you about your faith?
Living Out the Gospel:
The sermon encouraged not just inviting someone to pray a prayer but to live for Christ. What does it look like to truly live out the Gospel in your daily life?
How can you help someone you lead to Christ start living out their faith? What steps can you take to support them?
Making It Personal:
Acts 2:39 mentions that the promise of the Gospel is for everyone. How can you make the message of the Gospel personal when sharing it with someone who feels far from God?
What are some ways you can encourage others to see themselves as loved and valued by God, even if they feel they are too far gone?
Responding to the Spirit’s Leading:
The message highlighted recognizing the Spirit’s leading and responding to it. How can you become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s promptings in your interactions with others?
How do you handle the challenge of speaking truth in love, especially when it involves uncomfortable or difficult conversations?
Expecting God to Move:
2 Peter 3:9 reminds us that God desires everyone to come to repentance. How can this truth fuel your expectation and boldness in sharing the Gospel?
How can we encourage each other to share the Gospel with the expectation that God will move in the hearts of those we speak to?
Final Reflection:
The message ended with the reminder that God created us to be with Him. How does this foundational truth shape your approach to sharing the Gospel?
What is one action step you can take this week to be bolder in sharing your faith with someone in your life? How can the group support you in this?
Prayer and Commitment:
Spend time praying as a group for boldness, opportunities, and wisdom to share the Gospel effectively.
Commit to sharing your faith with at least one person this week and ask the group to hold you accountable.
I Committed My Life to Jesus
Congratulations on discovering Real Life in Jesus! If you made the commitment please check the box on the connection card "I committed my Life to Jesus" and we will mail you a free book called "Begin."
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If you started a relationship with Jesus please let us know by checking "I committed my life to Christ" in your communication card or following the link below. GENEROSITY IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE
Thank you for being so faithful. We couldn't accomplish all we do without your support. Together let's pave the way to make much of Jesus!