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Church 419

The Table Life Part 1

The Table Life Part 1

Discover the biblical foundations of living life in community, as modeled by Jesus and exemplified by the early church. Dive into principles for building meaningful relationships, fostering unity, and growing together in faith, inspired by their powerful examples.

Locations & Times

Church 419

3425 Oak St, Paducah, KY 42003, United States

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

We enjoy what’s comfortable and familiar, failing to build what could be so much
• Luke 5 - Jesus eats with tax collectors at the home of Levi.
• Luke 7 - Jesus is anointed at the home of Simon the Pharisee during a meal.
• Luke 9 - Jesus feeds the five thousand.
• Luke 10 - Jesus eats in the home of Martha and Mary.
• Luke 11 - Jesus condemns the Pharisees and teachers of the law at a meal.
• Luke 14 - Jesus is at a meal urging people to invite the poor to their meals rather than their friends.
• Luke 19 - Jesus invites himself to dinner with Zacchaeus.
• Luke 22 - The Last Supper.
• Luke 24 - Jesus has a meal with the two disciples in Emmaus.
The Table Life: Your everyday actions aligned with God’s mission.
The table is your ordinary place, a place so routine and normal that it’s easily overlooked as a place of ministry.
One in three have hurts that need to be shared but feel like no one is there to listen.
"People helping people meet and follow Jesus"

God has a mission and His mission has a church.
Those who live out radically ordinary hospitality see their homes not as theirs at all, but as tools to love like Jesus.
- Hospitality is about service; entertainment is about performance.
- Hospitality is a way of life; entertainment is an event.
- Hospitality offers access; entertainment requires an appointment.
1. Open Your Heart
2. Extend an Invitation
3. Create a Welcoming Space
4. Listen and Share
5. Keep Jesus' love at the center
Your tables don’t bring Jesus to life; Jesus brings life to your tables.


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