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New Heights Church

Sunday, August 2, 2024

Sunday, August 2, 2024

Verse and Title: John 15:18-16:4a - The World Will Hate You

Locations & Times

The Boys and Girls Club

560 N Rupple Rd, Fayetteville, AR 72704, USA

Sunday 10:06 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

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“Here’s the only way the world is going to change, you’re going to change…because I’m the change agent. The world is going to look different because you guys will look different.”
I. The hatred of the world.
II. The persecution from the world.
III. The Helper we desperately need!
I. The hatred of the world.
“We see then that the two cities were created by two kinds of love: the earthly city was created by self-love reaching the point of contempt of God, the Heavenly City by the love of God carried as far contempt of self. In fact, the earthly city glories in itself, the Heavenly City glories in the Lord.

The former looks for glory from men, the latter finds its highest glory in God, the witness of good conscience…These two cities, founded on two different loves, are entangled together in this world, and intermixed until the last judgement effect their separation.”

- Augustine, “The City of God”
I. The hatred of the world.
II. The persecution from the world.
Sometimes persecution is overt and sometimes it’s covert.
If we live our lives for the love of the world, one day we’ll endure the wrath of God. But if we live for the love of God, we will endure the wrath of the world.
Two reasons we can suffer as Christians:

1. Bad reason – We bring it on ourselves.
“Don’t be hated because you’re a jerk! – Jim Hall
“Repent or go to hell!”
Two reasons we can suffer as Christians:

1. Bad reason – We bring it on ourselves.
2. Good reason – We did the right thing.
I. The hatred of the world.
II. The persecution from the world.
III. The Helper we desperately need!
Holy Spirit wants to produce the life of Jesus in us so others can see Jesus through us and come to Jesus.