CityHeart Church | Pastor Stephanie Reynolds

This Is My Testimony | I Love You Too Much To Let You Stay “There”
Locations & Times
CityHeart Church
824 State St, Jackson, MS 39201, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
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http://www.cityheartjackson.comMy Testimony
Loving Correction
Asking the Lord "why"?
I love you too much to let you stay there.
Faith without works are dead, but so are works disconnected from the Father.
I was deceived. And He loved me too much to let me stay "there". He's faithful and He loves us all deeply.
"There" is anywhere (any thought, any lie, and environment) that I've allowed (knowingly or unknowingly) to take my heart off of Him as my Lord and Savior.
Fear of man
Need for affirmation from people above what He says about us
Fear of man
Need for affirmation from people above what He says about us
Our hearts require Him and His Word because our hearts are deceitful above all things.
Our hearts, unchecked, have a natural inclination to do what we want over what the Lord desires.
Lies and Fear
Healing and Restoration
Healing is a process with God AND people.
Hurt - recognize the hurt and acknowledge that it happened and the fact that you're hurt so you can address it
What do we do with the hurt?
Humble ourselves and give the hurt to the Lord, giving Him access and trust with the hurt.
Ask Him to help us and heal us, knowing that healing doesn't necessarily mean forgetting.
Ask God:
Did I have a part in the hurt? If so, what was my part?
Did I have a part in the hurt? If so, what was my part?
What do You want me to learn from it?
Would You help me see how You're working it for my good?
When we're open and ready to receive the correction, what are we going to do with it?
Be honest with yourself. Are you willing to do the work? To apply the correction?
If it's hard, are you willing to try and ask the Lord to help you?
If He tells us to do it, He equips us and gives us the courage to do it.
Fear - can't go back. I'll keep getting hurt. I'll keep being disappointed. I'll keep being a disappointment.
How do we deal with the fear and lies?
Displace lies with the truth of God's Word.
What does He say?
What does He say I am?
What does He say?
What does He say I am?
If you don't know, get into the Word and ask Him to show you!
He can reveal that to you through:
His Word (the best way)
Others' encouragement/correction/discipleship
His Word (the best way)
Others' encouragement/correction/discipleship
Healing and Restoration: comes through humility and realizing I can't do this on my own, even if I feel like it's "safer". We NEED the Lord and other key people God put our lives.
Do I want to be well?
Am I willing to do what it takes to walk in healing, realizing it may and most likely will include people who also have the potential to hurt me?
Do I believe and trust that God loves me and is willing to heal?
Do I trust I can experience healing; that this is a promise for me too?
Do I trust God to protect, defend, and redeem my heart?
Many of us treat our spiritual life wanting the results without the work. We want:
God's promises without the true heart submission and obedience.
Relationship and community without showing up.
Revival without repentance.
Provision without generosity.
Purpose and calling without accountability.
Steadfastness without commitment and endurance through hardships.
We Live To Serve!
Here at CityHeart, we live to serve!! We are about the whole body of Christ being the hands and feet of Jesus as Christ is the head is the head of the church! What has God placed in your hands or your path that you haven't walked in yet? Find your fit, grow in community, and sign up to serve below! here!
One of our core values is "We Give and Grow." Whether it's our time, talent, or treasure, we believe giving is an avenue for growth in our personal lives and within our city.
Sign up for baptism!
If you made a decision to follow Christ, we would love to celebrate with you and get you signed up for baptism! prayer? Submit a prayer request here.
Our prayer team meets on Saturday mornings to earnestly pray for these prayer requests. Know that you are loved and being covered in prayer.