Brookwood Church

August 4, 2024
Locations & Times
Brookwood Church
580 Brookwood Point Pl, Simpsonville, SC 29681, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
A Guide for Personal or Group Spiritual Growth
Unless otherwise noted, words and phrases in this study guide are based on language from the New International Version (NIV). Use this guide by yourself or with friends as you seek to know God. To find a group, visit"Give to those who ask, and don't turn away from those who want to borrow." Matthew 5:42 (NLT)
Insight: Jesus addressed three things in the culture of the day. First, one of the greatest insults that a Jewish person in Jesus' time could give to another would be to strike them on the cheek with a backhanded slap. Second, Roman soldiers could make anyone carry their gear for a mile, so Jesus is saying to go the extra mile! Finally, He says to give your coat to someone who sues you for your tunic, which wasn't required in Jewish society. In other words, give more than is asked. He always knew and spoke to the cultural norms and issues of the day. These concepts resonate with us even today.
Read Matthew 5:38-42. How do Jesus' words in this passage affect you?
2. What is your go-to response when someone insults you? How do you or can you invite God into such a moment?
3. What happens to you when you turn the other cheek or go a second mile?
4. Is it more difficult for you to live this out in your family or in the world?
5. How do Jesus' commands apply to our society today?
6. How can you be more Christ-like in applying these truths in your life? How would your relationships be different?
7. Who has offered you their cloak, turned the other cheek or gone the extra mile for you? How did that affect you and your relationship with that person?
8. How can you refrain from seeking retribution when you feel wronged?
9. Read Romans 12:21. How do Paul's words make you feel? How can you live them out?
10. Living as Jesus tells us requires us to extend grace to others. How does God extending you grace help you have grace for others?
11. How is Jesus' life an example of living out these words? What Scripture passages, both prophecy and fulfillment, show this?
12. How can the words of James 1:19-20 help you when faced with offenses or insults?
13. Spend time with the Father, asking Him what He wants you to know from this passage. Listen for His response and write down what you hear.
It is useless to meet revenge with revenge; it will heal nothing.
J.R.R. Tolkien
J.R.R. Tolkien
App and the Daily Devotional
Spend time with God with the Daily Devotionals available on the App. You can also find Sunday Message resources and videos, leave prayer requests, give and more.
Spend time with God with the Daily Devotionals available on the App. You can also find Sunday Message resources and videos, leave prayer requests, give and more.
Why Jesus?
If you’ve never experienced God’s forgiveness and grace, we’d love the opportunity to talk with you about a life-changing relationship with Jesus. Email or call 864.688.8200
If you’ve never experienced God’s forgiveness and grace, we’d love the opportunity to talk with you about a life-changing relationship with Jesus. Email or call 864.688.8200
Additional Study Tools
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For additional Bible Study tools, guides and devotionals, check out,, and
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