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The Crossing Fellowship

How to get closer to God part 6

How to get closer to God part 6

We strive to get closer to God so that we can better reflect His image

Locations & Times

The Family Life Center

1610 8th St, Gothenburg, NE 69138, USA

Sunday 11:00 AM

Top 3 Things

Want to know what's going on at The Crossing Fellowship? Check out our top 3 things!
How to get closer to God
- Community-
--> To grow closer to God, we need community and fellowship with the body of Christ <--
- Fellowship is about sharing your life, not just a meal. It is about being in close relationship, not just close proximity.
God created us to be with Him
Our sins separate us from God
Sins cannot be removed by good deeds
Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again
Everyone who trusts in Him alone has eternal life
Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever
"We can't be one body and expect that isolation is going to help us grow."
--> God didn't design the body with parts that operate on their own <--
Colossians 3:16a NLT
Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives...
Sin survives and grows in the darkness and isolation


Sin exposed to the light of God in an authentic community loses its power!
Authentic community in the Body of Christ:
- Caring for one another
- Bearing one another's burdens
- Spurring one another on to action from God's Word
- Teaching one another God's Word
- Being truthful with one another
- Confessing sins to one another
- Praying for one another
Authentic Community:
- Time in God's Word
- Time of caring for one another
- Time of confessing and reconciling
- Time of prayer
--> If we want to get closer to God, we need authentic community with the body of Christ <--
Action Steps:
1. Join a life group
2. Meet with someone this week with the purpose of experiencing Authentic Biblical Community
- Read James 1
- Share how God wants you to grow
- Confess what is holding you back
- Pray for each other
Talk it over:
- What are some things that you have learned from this series?
- What did you think about the message?
- Have you ever experienced Authentic Biblical Community? How did it impact you?
- What are your thoughts on ABC? Does it make you excited, nervous, isolated, etc.? Why do you think you feel the way that you do?

It's time to practice!

- Read James 1
- Share how God wants you to grow
- Confess what is holding you back
- Pray for each other

Join a life group!

Help us help you! Fill this out and we will contact you with information on the groups that we have! Authentic Biblical Community happens in life groups

Trusted in Christ? Click here!

You have decided to dedicate your life to following Jesus! Congratulations! We want to be the first ones to celebrate and welcome you to the family! You may be wondering; what's next? We want to help you find the answer!

*Tell someone!
Please connect with us and let us celebrate with you! We would love to provide you with some guidance on this new journey!
Send us an email at

*Read your Bible
God's Word provides direction and instruction for living the life that He created us to live. Need help finding where to start? Check out this plan on the YouVersion Bible App

*Begin talking to God through prayer
Prayer is just a conversation with God. Tell Him your hurts, struggles, good things, bad things, concerns, etc... He want's to hear it ALL!

*Connect with a life group
Life is hard. Why make it harder by trying to navigate it on your own? Connect with others to help you along your way.
Click here to find a group

Need Prayer?

If you would like to ask for prayer or be prayed with, please submit your request here.

Feel led to give?

The Crossing Fellowship is on a mission to see people meet, follow, and love Jesus. If you feel led to help join and support this mission, click the link below to give online. OR, you can simply text any amount to 84321