LowCountry Community Church

Living Relationally As A Single Person
Locations & Times
Lowcountry Community Church
801 Buckwalter Pkwy, Bluffton, SC 29910, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sunday 11:30 AM
Myth: Marriage is the God-ordained lifestyle.
Biblical Truth: For some people singleness is the God-ordained lifestyle because it allows for undivided devotion to God.
Myth: My Life + Someone Else = Happiness
Biblical Truth: Contentment does not depend on someone else.
Myth: Singleness produces loneliness, while marriage produces intimacy.
Biblical Truth: It is a lack of intimacy that produces loneliness. Our deepest intimacy needs are met in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Start living right now.
Use your singleness as a means of serving.