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irresistible, Inc

July 21, 2024

July 21, 2024

Five Greek words are used in Christian Scripture to identify the various sicknesses, ailments, and conditions that believers have authority over - and they're typically translated as "sick(ness)."

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irresistible church

159 Frederick St, Lexington, OH 44904, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

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As Christians, we have been commanded to take healing into the world.
'Weakness/infirmity' in Greek is: asthenios
It’s a generic word that means any, all, and every kind of sickness, disease or ailment.
1. Sickness: Nosos – a terminal condition that has no natural cure
Ex: terminal cancer, AIDS, perhaps a genetic malformation
2. Disease: Malakian – a sickness or disease that affects the muscles or nerves
Not terminal, but crippling; alive but not able to get up and get around
3. "The sick": Kakos – grievously vexed by demon spirits; mentally confused, oppressed
4. 'Terrible condition': Mastigos – a plague – a sickness/disease/ condition that is recurring.
(This is actually a word that described Roman torture at the whipping post.)
5. "The sick": Arroustos – so sick, literally hanging between life and death.
We’d describe this person as being in critical condition.
This Greek word actually carries the idea that this person is comatose.
All five categories of sickness/disease healed by Jesus (and commanded for us to heal) fit right inside this generic word, infirmities (weakness) from Romans 8:26.
Overcoming each and every one of these five categories requires one thing: help from Holy Spirit.
From Romans 8:26, 'helps' is the Greek word: sunantilambano:
Sun (soon) – in “partnership” with someone else
Anti – “against” – describes a person who is a menace to society; a perpetually enraged person
Lambano – “I take” – but with the idea of violent intent;
To seize something/someone forcibly and pull to yourself
When we face nosos, a terminal sickness, or malakian, a crippling disease, or kakos, mental oppression or confusion;
When mastigos, a plague sets up shop in our body or family, or when we’re arroustos, comatose/unresponsive…
Sun – Holy Spirit comes alongside to work in partnership with us
Anti – He is enraged that this thing would dare to raise its ugly head against His temple,
Lambano – He reaches out to take hold of it and forcefully removes it from your life and the lives of those He’s sent us to minister to!