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Beltsville Seventh-day Adventist Church - Ammendale Campus

Worship Service, Sabbath, July 6, 2024

Worship Service, Sabbath, July 6, 2024

Worship Bulletin

Locations & Times

Beltsville Seventh-day Adventist Church—Ammendale Campus

4200 Ammendale Rd, Beltsville, MD 20705, USA

Saturday 12:00 PM

Welcome to Beltsville Seventh-day Adventist Church. We are so glad you’ve joined us for worship today.

This Sabbath we begin a four-part message series from the book of Revelation. In a world where uncertainty looms large and fear can easily take hold, the Book of Revelation stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to God's ultimate control over all things. It's a book that challenges us to look beyond the chaos and challenges of the present world and fix our eyes on the promises of God's final triumph and the establishment of His Kingdom.
Focus Text:

And war broke out in heaven: Michael and His angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. Revelation 12:7-8, NKJV
Trudy Eide

Welcome & Announcements
Yonas Habtemariam

Praise Time
My Hope is Built on Nothing Less
Just A Little Talk With Jesus
‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Oh, How He Loves You and Me
Beryl Castello’s Team & Congregation

Yonas Habtemariam

Prayer Response: He gave His life, what more could He give?
Oh, how He loves you, Oh, how He loves me,
Oh, how He loves you and me.

Children’s Story
Gabriel Vega

Baby Dedication
Cameron James Holness
Pastor Krysten Thomas

Invitation to Give
Yonas Habtemariam

Trudy Eide

Diabetes Undone Graduate Recognition
Pastor Sifa Potauaine
Jasseth Palmer

Special Music
Whispering Hope
Beth Pettit & Trudy Eide

Revelation of Hope—A Fearless Apocalyptic View
The Triumph of Good Over Evil
Pastor Sifa Potauaine

Closing Song
We Have This Hope
Beryl Castello’s Team & Congregation

Yonas Habtemariam

Trudy Eide

Give Online

Thank you so much for supporting our church with your financial contributions. Visit this site or scan the QR code below to give online.

Scan this QR Code to Give Online


Sabbath, July 6
Worship: Pastor Sifa Potauaine
2:00 pm | Diabetes Undone | Health Ministries, Fellowship Hall
8:36 pm | Sunset

Tuesday, July 9
9:00 am - 2:00 pm | Beltsville Adventist Community Center open
8:00 pm | Young Adult Bible Studies | Zoom ID: 853 4096 5129 | Passcode: 038665

Wednesday, July 10
9:00 am - 2:00 pm | Beltsville Adventist Community Center open
7:00 pm | On-line Prayer Meeting | Zoom Meeting ID: 970 360 856 | Passcode: 038665

Friday, July 12
8:00 pm | ReFill Friday Night Vespers & Bible Study | Zoom Meeting ID: 871 3319 0485 | Passcode: 4200
8:34 pm | Sunset

Sabbath, July 13
Worship: Pastor Sifa Potauaine
1:30 pm | Blood Pressure Checks | Health Ministries, Junior Sabbath School Room
4:00 pm | Melodies in Spring
8:33 pm | Sunset


14 | Church Work Bee
19 | Chip Welsh Memorial Service
20 | Worship: Pastor Sifa Potauaine
22-27 | Vacation Bible School
27 | Worship: Pastor Krysten Thomas | Vacation Bible School

8 | Women’s Tea


New Sabbath School Classes
Adult Spanish Sabbath School Class meets in the church
basement (Youth Room). Class starts at 10:30am.

New Believers Sabbath School Class meets at the Beltsville
Adventist Community Center (BACC). Class starts at 10:30am.

Blood Pressure Checks
On the first and third Sabbath of each month, nurses will be in the Junior Sabbath School Room (downstairs in the educational wing) to take your blood pressure after the 12:00 Divine Service.

Beltsville Children & Youth in Concert
You’re invited to “Melodies in Spring” on Sabbath, July 13 at 4pm. Enjoy an afternoon of musical melodies featuring the Beltsville Children’s Choir joined by other musical talent of all ages.

Church Work Bee
Sunday, July 14, 8am to 12pm. Please come and participate in a cleanup up day to beautify our church grounds and facilities. We will be laying mulch, weeding, painting, trash removal, etc. Bring yard tools, shovels, rakes, etc. Contact Joe Pack if you have any questions: 443-936-9147.

Chip Welsh Memorial Service
Friday, July 19, at 6pm in the Sanctuary. Please watch you email for more information as we get closer to that date—and please continue to keep the Welsh family in your prayers.

VBS Registration Is Now Open!
July 22 through 27 at Beltsville SDA Church. Registration is now open for children grades 1-5, student volunteers, and adult volunteers. Please or visit this link for more information and to register today:

2024 International Pathfinder Camporee
Help the Beltsville Pathfinders go to the 2024 International Camporee, August 5 through 11 2024, in Gillette, Wyoming. Donate Online at:

Praying For Your Children
We are praying for your children. Concerned about your children in these trying times? You can bring your children’s names and special requests in prayer every Wednesday morning please submit your requests by text to 240-441-8258 by Tuesday evening.

Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
Prayer meeting is on-line Wednesday night from 7 to 8pm for a time of prayer, praise, and Bible study. Zoom Meeting ID: 970 360 856; Passcode: 038665.

Everyone is welcome!

ReFill Friday Night Vespers & Bible Study
Start Sabbath with our ReFill Bible Study group every Friday evening at 8pm. We will be having a prayerful study of the Book of Revelation. Join us for reflection and prayer. Zoom Meeting ID: 871 3319 0485; Passcode: 4200. All are welcome!

Young Adult Ministry
Sabbath Mornings, 10:45am: Young Adults’ Bible Study in the
Conference Room located downstairs in the Education Wing.

If you would like to learn more about joining young adult events and how to stay connected with the young adults at Beltsville, please text Pastor Krysten at 239-940-0616.

Treasury Ministry
Please send all reimbursement requests to ExpensePoint by 5pm on Wednesday to be included with the check run on Monday of the next week. Please contact the Church Office if you need to be added to ExpensePoint.

Do you know someone in need?
As a church family, we have a desire to be supportive of our sick and shut-in Beltsville Ammendale family members. If you’re aware of the contact information for any of these members who would like to be added to our list for prayer, or Communion, please share their name, phone number, and email address with us. We have note cards in the foyer that you may complete, or you can see one of our pastors or elders, or contact the church office. See the back of the bulletin for contact information. Thank you.

BAS Enrollment
Beltsville Adventist School is accepting applications for first and second grade places for school year 2024-25. Call 301-937-2933 for more information, or email

Women’s Tea
Sabbath, September 8, 2 to 4pm in the Fellowship Hall. Watch for more information closer to the event!

Membership Transfers—First Reading
To join Beltsville SDA Church | Ammendale Campus
Bernard McNeill from the Bladensburg SDA Church in Bowie, Maryland.

To leave Beltsville SDA Church | Ammendale Campus
Joseph Moreno to the Spencerville SDA Church in Silver Spring, Maryland;
Carlos Dela Cruz to the Atholton SDA Church in Columbia, Maryland.

May 2024
Tithe | May 2024
Tithe | May 2023
Tithe Increase /(Decrease)

Year to Date Tithe
YTD Tithe as of May 31, 2024
YTD Tithe as of May 31, 2023
YTD Tithe Increase/(Decrease)

Local Combined Budget (May 2024)
May Budget
May Actual
May Increase/ (Decrease)

Local Combined Budget (Year to Date)
YTD Budget as of May 31, 2024
YTD Actual as of May 31, 2024
YTD Increase/(Decrease)

Be Informed About Your Health
“So closely is health related to our happiness that we cannot have the latter without the former. It is therefore of the highest importance that among the studies selected for childhood, physiology should occupy the first place. How few know anything about the structure and functions of their own bodies and of nature’s laws.

Men and women should inform themselves regarding the philosophy
of health. The minds of rational beings seem shrouded in darkness regarding their own physical structure, and how to preserve it in a healthy condition.

Every violation of the principle of eating and drinking blunts the perceptive faculties, making it impossible for them to appreciate or place the right value upon eternal things.

Everywhere people are perishing for the lack of knowledge of the truths that have been committed to us. The members of the church need an awakening so that they may realize their responsibility to impart these truths.”
~Excerpts from Counsels on Health