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Five Rivers Church

The Banquet

The Banquet

This week Tracy leads us in a deeper look at Jesus’ parable of the banquet. After this message, we may see the King in a new way.

Locations & Times

Five Rivers Church

1450 E Dorothy Ln, Dayton, OH 45429, USA

Sunday 11:00 AM

Matthew Continued Sermon Series

You can catch all of the messages from our Matthew Continued sermon series on our YouTube channel.
Weddings & Banquets
Over the years a lot of movies and shows have featured weddings. One of the common themes of these shows is the comedy around the invitation list and the seating charts. It seems not that much haschanged over the last 2,000 years, those two themes have always been something of interest. In today’s passage Jesus is going to tell the religious leaders a third parable. This one is about a wedding. And you guessed it, it is about the invitation list and even the seating chart.


Brian masterfully led us through two of three parables Jesus told to the religious leaders in Jerusalem.
A heart that will produce the fruit of the Kingdom
Jesus is looking for people who will choose to trust the story He is telling. John, the baptizing prophet, demonstrated He trusted the story when he said, "He must increase; I must decrease." And Jesus modeled trusting the story when He prayed, "Not My will, but Your will be done."

Jesus' invitation is for us to die to self. Trust Him with your now and your eternity. He won’t settle for anything less than complete trust — not that we do it perfectly. He won’t settle, not because He needs your surrendered heart. But our rebellion is what has broken us. It is what has estranged us from God. Our rebellion is what is keeping us from bearing the fruit of Kingdom. It is keeping us from enjoying the party God is throwing!

Jesus is a sovereign King. Jesus is a merciful King. He is both. You chose whether you are in opposition to the Kingdom or if you live in the fruit of it!