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OneLife Church

The Lord's Prayer: Part 4 - Kingdom Come

The Lord's Prayer: Part 4 - Kingdom Come

Locations & Times

North Campus

3503 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

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BOTTOM LINE: The Kingdom of God can be right here and right now!
Matthew 6:10
May your Kingdom come soon…
1. We can only serve one kingdom.
-Not my Kingdom
-Not your Kingdom
-Not this country’s Kingdom
-Not a republican Kingdom
-Not a democratic Kingdom
-Not my work’s Kingdom
-Not the Kingdom of Social Media

Matthew 6:10
May your will be done…
2. Experiencing the Kingdom means aligning our will with the Father’s.
Matthew 6:10
…on earth, as it is in heaven.
3. The Kingdom of God is the culture of heaven on earth.
Share a time when you dreamed about something in the future - but as cool as it was to think about, it just seemed like something for later in life and did t really apply right here and right now.

When you think about the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven - does it seem like that? Does it seem like something in the future or something for later after our life is over?
Read Matthew 6:10 (NLT). What does Jesus seem to hint at about the Kingdom of God? Is it something that seems like it's for the future or something for right now? What makes you think that?

Re-read the first part of Matthew 6:10. Who's Kingdom and who's will does Jesus say we should pray for? How does this differ from how we are tempted to pray?
Read Matthew 6:24 and Exodus 34:14.
How have you found yourself trying to serve other masters/gods/kingdoms? What are those kingdoms? Why and how do these things compete with God's Kingdom?

Read Luke 22:42.
What does it look like for you to submit your will to the Father's will just like Jesus did in this verse? What kind of things do you need to submit?
Read the last part of Matthew 6:10.
We defined the Kingdom of God as "the culture of Heaven coming to earth." What are words that come to mind when you think about the culture of Heaven? How will you start praying for those things this week?

Read Matthew 6:33.
How will you start to seek the Kingdom of God first as you pray like Jesus guided us to pray? How has this series started transforming the way you pray so far? How will you practice that more this week?
Like we did with this sermon, start praying through of the first two parts of the Lord's Prayer: Acknowledging our Heavenly Father and praying for his kingdom to come and his will to be done. Guide your Micro Church into this prayer.

Online Connection Card

Let us know that you were here, what your next step is that you are taking, or how we can pray for you and help you!