The Summit Church

"Mission Critical": On the Road to Emmaus
Discussion Guide: Week 1
Locations & Times
The Summit Church - Kernersville
4440 High Point Rd, Kernersville, NC 27284, USA
Thursday 6:30 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
View Message this space to take your general notes during the message.
Over the next few weeks, we are going to be discussing many of the pivotal conversations Jesus had that defined His life and His mission in a Summer Series we are calling, "Mission Critical".
Throughout a lifetime, certain moments define the rest. This week, we are talking about the defining moment in the life of Jesus. The moment that set the tone for everything else; past, present, and future. How did everything change the moment it was realized that Jesus had risen?
Read Luke 25-27. Why was it so important for Jesus to start at the very beginning, "pointing out everything in the Scriptures that referred to him"? How does this scripture remind us that "Jesus is the focal point, the filter, the first and the final authority of it all"?
Read John 5:39. Why is this "Mission Critical"?
In John 14, Jesus says, "I am the Way". How does this statement bring everything into focus and impact the way we look at The Bible?
How can you apply the 3 part filter Pastor Jonathan shared with us when we are reading The Bible, or when we are confused about how to apply it in our lives?
Ask: What did Jesus do?
Ask: What did Jesus say?
Ask: Is this like Jesus?
Ask: What did Jesus do?
Ask: What did Jesus say?
Ask: Is this like Jesus?
Take time and pray to our Heavenly Father. Ask for your faith to be brought into focus through the lens of Jesus.