North Main Street Church of God

The Realist
1201 North Main Street Ext. Butler, PA 16001 06/16/2024
Locations & Times
North Main Street Church of God
1201 N Main St Ext, Butler, PA 16001, USA
Sunday 10:27 AM
Sunday Morning
Join us on Sunday Mornings online where you can Check-in/Connect, Give, and Watch along with us. are so glad that you joined us today at North Main Street Church of God. At North Main, we exist to develop completely committed followers of Christ who...
Know Christ intimately,
Grow in Christ continually, and
Go for Christ daily
Know Christ intimately,
Grow in Christ continually, and
Go for Christ daily
Check-in Here
Thanks for joining us! If it's your first time here we'd love to connect with you! Fill out the form below.
For our regular attenders, please check in with your name and email, if you need to update information our regular attenders, please check in with your name and email, if you need to update information
Joining us online?
Thank you for joining us today! Please check in here:
Newcomers to North Main
If you are a newcomer, we’re so glad you’ve joined us! If you’re here in person, make sure to stop by the Welcome Center where we have a gift bag for you with some information about us and some delicious homemade chocolate chip COOKIES.
For those online please visit the website below and make sure to click the COMMUNICATION CARD button and fill that out so we can send you a free gift! those online please visit the website below and make sure to click the COMMUNICATION CARD button and fill that out so we can send you a free gift!
Church Mobile App
Did you know North Main has a church mobile app? Access videos anytime from your device and never miss a sermon. Securely and easily give your tithes, offerings, and donations. Instantly register for upcoming events, and stay in the know of what's happening. Contact Us at any time with a simple message. Find others in the North Main directory. To download go to: Reading Plan
Join us in 2024 as we read through the Bible in a year and highlight evidence of “GOODNESS” throughout our daily Scripture readings. Reading Guides and PURPLE highlighters are available at the Welcome Center. You can also access the resources digitally on:
Our next baptism service will be held in just a few weeks on July 7th! If you are ready to take this important step in your walk with Christ we’d be honored to come alongside you in this journey. There is a mandatory baptism class that will be held at 9am the week prior, which is June 30th. Please visit the Welcome Center or our website below to sign up.
We thank you for your faithful gifts. You can give online and, of course, on Sundays by using the secure drop boxes located outside the doors of the Sanctuary. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS.
The Realist
Yearly Theme“Goodness is… Governing”
Series Title“Goodness in G minor”
June 16th, 2024
Yearly Theme“Goodness is… Governing”
Series Title“Goodness in G minor”
June 16th, 2024
Key Point: God desires righteousness and obedience from his people.
We must have our priorities in the correct order to be successful.
God wants us to live in this moment and concern ourselves with the people and places in our proximity.
Things might not go as planned in our lives.
God has been and will always be in control.
God wants us to live in this moment and concern ourselves with the people and places in our proximity.
Things might not go as planned in our lives.
God has been and will always be in control.

How can we apply God's call to "consider your ways" in our daily lives? How can the concept of considering our ways help us in making ethical decisions in the modern world?
Can we identify areas in our lives where we are prioritizing personal comfort over spiritual duties?
In what ways does society neglect spiritual responsibilities in favor of material ones?
How can we ensure that we are not ignoring God’s call in our lives amidst the busyness of life?
How can we actively respond to God's word in our daily lives like the remnant of the people of Israel?
Can we identify areas in our lives where we are prioritizing personal comfort over spiritual duties?
In what ways does society neglect spiritual responsibilities in favor of material ones?
How can we ensure that we are not ignoring God’s call in our lives amidst the busyness of life?
How can we actively respond to God's word in our daily lives like the remnant of the people of Israel?

Past Sermons
To view past sermons, please visit our website below. Us
If you would like to update your information or have a prayer request, please fill out the link below. Main Street Church of God
1201 North Main Street Ext.Butler, PA 16001
(724) 285-4214
We thank you for your faithful gifts. You can give online at NORTHMAINCOG.ORG/GIVE, text "give" to (724) 313-2211, and, of course, on Sundays by using the secure drop boxes located outside the doors of the Sanctuary. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS. HOURS
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 4:00pm
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 4:00pm