First Baptist Church Perry

A Legacy of Faith
Sunday Morning Worship Service - 6/16/2024
Locations & Times
First Baptist Church Perry
102 N Center St, Perry, FL 32347, USA
Sunday 10:45 AM
1.Faith is not what you have, it is what you do.
2. Walking in faith is a life long process, not a one time event
3. God does not call us to be strong, He calls us to be obedient
4. Do not bargain with God, what you aren't ready to lose
5. Your faith is not determined by your past
6. Steadfast faith will help to overcome the corruption of this world
Who through faith conquered kingdoms and enforced justice - Joshua, the Judges, David, and others.
Received Promises - Sarah, Hannah, Manoah, and the prophets received for themselves and to deliver to others.
Stopped the mouths of lions - Daniel - Dan 6:22
Quenched the power of fire - Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednigo in Dan 3.
Escaped the edge of the sword - Jepthah
Made strong out of weakness - Samson
Became mighty in war - Barak
Put foreign armies to flight - Gideon
Women received back their dead by resurrection - Elijah 1 Kings 17:22-23, Elisha 2 Kings 4:36-37
Tortured, refusing to except release that they might rise again to a better life - 7 Children and one Pious mother - book of 2 Maccabees
Mocking - Samson before Dagon
Flogging - Jeremiah beaten by Pashur - Jer 20:2
Chains and Imprisonment - Joesph was cast into prison, Jeremiah was let down into a dungeon full of mire Jer 37:13, Micaiah was imprissoned by King Ahab.
Stoned - Zechariah son of Jehoiada - 2 Chron 24:21
Sawn in two - Tradition states Isaiah was placed in the hole of a tree and sawn in two.
Received Promises - Sarah, Hannah, Manoah, and the prophets received for themselves and to deliver to others.
Stopped the mouths of lions - Daniel - Dan 6:22
Quenched the power of fire - Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednigo in Dan 3.
Escaped the edge of the sword - Jepthah
Made strong out of weakness - Samson
Became mighty in war - Barak
Put foreign armies to flight - Gideon
Women received back their dead by resurrection - Elijah 1 Kings 17:22-23, Elisha 2 Kings 4:36-37
Tortured, refusing to except release that they might rise again to a better life - 7 Children and one Pious mother - book of 2 Maccabees
Mocking - Samson before Dagon
Flogging - Jeremiah beaten by Pashur - Jer 20:2
Chains and Imprisonment - Joesph was cast into prison, Jeremiah was let down into a dungeon full of mire Jer 37:13, Micaiah was imprissoned by King Ahab.
Stoned - Zechariah son of Jehoiada - 2 Chron 24:21
Sawn in two - Tradition states Isaiah was placed in the hole of a tree and sawn in two.
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