Cross Bridge Church - A Church of the Nazarene

Summer Series: Dr. Larry Dennis June 16th, 2024
Our mission is helping people move from where they are to where God wants them to be.
Locations & Times
Cross Bridge Church
651 Barnes Blvd, Rockledge, FL 32955, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Christ’s Crucifixion was for my Redemption
For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.1 Peter 1:18-19
Dr. Keith Maxwell, E.R. Physician and Orthopedic Surgeon in Asheville, N.C. asked himself,“If they brought the Lord into the emergency room, exactly what would His physical injuries be like?"
-My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow. Mark 14:33-35
-Christ prayed passionately while the disciples slept.
-Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done. Luke 22:44
-He sweated blood. (The medical term is he experienced ‘he math i dro sis.’)
-Then Pilate took Jesus and had Him flogged.(39 lashes) John 19:1
-Christ was whipped and beaten beyond the most twisted imagination.
-Christ was nailed to the cross. Matthew 27:35
-It is finished. John 19:20
Why the crucifixion? Why the suffering? Why the agony?
It was “the precious blood of Christ.” He was “a lamb without blemish or defect.” 1 Peter 1:18-19
We have been redeemed by Christ’s Blood
I. We are redeemed.
A _______________________________ to be paid.
In him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace. Ephesians 1:7
Jesus paid our debt to remove us from bondage.
a)Christ is our __________________________________ payment.
b)Christ didn’t die to make us good. He died to ________________________________________ us.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!2 Corinthians 5:17
c) I am not who I used to be! Luke 7:36–48
II. We are redeemed for the __________________________________.
However, we will continue to face challenges in life.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come;the old has gone, the new is here.2 Corinthians 5:17
a)We are a new __________________________________________!
b)Through Christ’s H____________________S___________________,
God always has a plan!
He is the Holy Spirit that leads us into all the truth.John 14:17
III. We are redeemed for the future and for eternity.
a)A home in H_________________________________________.
b)Nothing I’ve done. I can’t earn it.
c)COVERED by the ________________________ of Jesus Christ.
d)My debt has been paid. I AM REDEEMED!!!
“Jesus did not come to make bad people good. He came to make dead people LIVE.”Ravi Zacharias
“God demonstrates His own love for us in this that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”Romans 5:8
Christ’s Crucifixion was for my Redemption
For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.1 Peter 1:18-19
Dr. Keith Maxwell, E.R. Physician and Orthopedic Surgeon in Asheville, N.C. asked himself,“If they brought the Lord into the emergency room, exactly what would His physical injuries be like?"
-My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow. Mark 14:33-35
-Christ prayed passionately while the disciples slept.
-Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done. Luke 22:44
-He sweated blood. (The medical term is he experienced ‘he math i dro sis.’)
-Then Pilate took Jesus and had Him flogged.(39 lashes) John 19:1
-Christ was whipped and beaten beyond the most twisted imagination.
-Christ was nailed to the cross. Matthew 27:35
-It is finished. John 19:20
Why the crucifixion? Why the suffering? Why the agony?
It was “the precious blood of Christ.” He was “a lamb without blemish or defect.” 1 Peter 1:18-19
We have been redeemed by Christ’s Blood
I. We are redeemed.
A _______________________________ to be paid.
In him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace. Ephesians 1:7
Jesus paid our debt to remove us from bondage.
a)Christ is our __________________________________ payment.
b)Christ didn’t die to make us good. He died to ________________________________________ us.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!2 Corinthians 5:17
c) I am not who I used to be! Luke 7:36–48
II. We are redeemed for the __________________________________.
However, we will continue to face challenges in life.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come;the old has gone, the new is here.2 Corinthians 5:17
a)We are a new __________________________________________!
b)Through Christ’s H____________________S___________________,
God always has a plan!
He is the Holy Spirit that leads us into all the truth.John 14:17
III. We are redeemed for the future and for eternity.
a)A home in H_________________________________________.
b)Nothing I’ve done. I can’t earn it.
c)COVERED by the ________________________ of Jesus Christ.
d)My debt has been paid. I AM REDEEMED!!!
“Jesus did not come to make bad people good. He came to make dead people LIVE.”Ravi Zacharias
“God demonstrates His own love for us in this that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”Romans 5:8
Spiritual growth happens when we receive new knowledge and then apply it to our lives. This always happens best in the context of community. Take time this week and engage in these additional scriptures and questions on your own. Then, discuss them with your Small Group.“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” Proverbs 27:17
Spiritual growth happens when we receive new knowledge and then apply it to our lives. This always happens best in the context of community. Take time this week and engage in these additional scriptures and questions on your own. Then, discuss them with your Small Group.“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” Proverbs 27:17
At Cross Bridge, we are joyful and generous in our giving, because we see it as an act of worship, and a way for us to bring back to God's work a portion of what He has entrusted us to manage. The link below will direct you to our giving page.