OneLife Church

The Lord's Prayer: Part 2 - Prayer Priorities
Locations & Times
North Campus
3503 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
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OneLife Church exists to see people discover Jesus and how their one life can make a difference. We are passionate about it! Head over to to learn more about us!
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Give Jesus your best in 2024! Click below to give your tithes and offerings. LINE: Prayer starts with God and ends with me.
God receiving worship is the priority over me receiving answers.
Experiencing heaven on earth is the goal.
Forgiveness is the greatest need.
What order do you:
- Put on your shoes and socks? Why?
- Make cereal? Why?
- Do things when you get home at the end of a day? Why?
What are the first three things you spend money on when you get a paycheck? How does this show what's most important to you?
When have you done something in the wrong order and it made a mess or completely failed?!
What order do you:
- Put on your shoes and socks? Why?
- Make cereal? Why?
- Do things when you get home at the end of a day? Why?
What are the first three things you spend money on when you get a paycheck? How does this show what's most important to you?
When have you done something in the wrong order and it made a mess or completely failed?!
Read Matthew 6:9-13. This model prayer that Jesus gives is very simple and can be broken up into two parts: three prayers about God (worship the Father, His kingdom come, and his will be done) and then three prayers about me (my daily need, forgiveness for me and others, and protection from future sin).
What do you think is the significance of the order of this prayer that Jesus gives? What are the priorities he shows us that He wants us to have in prayer?
How does even the second part that has three prayers for me ultimately point us back to the main priority that prayer is really about God and our relationship with Him? (hint: re-read verses 11-13)
Read Matthew 6:9-14-15. There is only one part of the prayer that Jesus unpacks further in these two verses that follow it. What is it? Why do you think He does that? What does this tell us about God's priorities for us when we pray and ultimately for our relationship with Him?
Read Matthew 6:9-13. This model prayer that Jesus gives is very simple and can be broken up into two parts: three prayers about God (worship the Father, His kingdom come, and his will be done) and then three prayers about me (my daily need, forgiveness for me and others, and protection from future sin).
What do you think is the significance of the order of this prayer that Jesus gives? What are the priorities he shows us that He wants us to have in prayer?
How does even the second part that has three prayers for me ultimately point us back to the main priority that prayer is really about God and our relationship with Him? (hint: re-read verses 11-13)
Read Matthew 6:9-14-15. There is only one part of the prayer that Jesus unpacks further in these two verses that follow it. What is it? Why do you think He does that? What does this tell us about God's priorities for us when we pray and ultimately for our relationship with Him?
When you pray, how do you start with worship? What helps you focus on the goodness and greatness of God? How can approaching God as a child talking to your perfect and good father help make worship more natural? What makes this difficult for you? And why is it important to keep this the top priority?
When you pray, how do you start with worship? What helps you focus on the goodness and greatness of God? How can approaching God as a child talking to your perfect and good father help make worship more natural? What makes this difficult for you? And why is it important to keep this the top priority?
What can you do this week to focus on the right priorities in prayer? How can you be intentional to pray following this model but also be listening to the Spirit?
Who do you need to ask God to help you forgive? If forgiveness simply means letting go of the desire to get even or letting go of the desire for them to have to pay back, what can you do to move toward forgiveness? How would acknowledging how much your Father has forgiven you help you forgive others?
Practice praying this model prayer as a microchurch below. Then take time this week to do the same thing on your own.
What can you do this week to focus on the right priorities in prayer? How can you be intentional to pray following this model but also be listening to the Spirit?
Who do you need to ask God to help you forgive? If forgiveness simply means letting go of the desire to get even or letting go of the desire for them to have to pay back, what can you do to move toward forgiveness? How would acknowledging how much your Father has forgiven you help you forgive others?
Practice praying this model prayer as a microchurch below. Then take time this week to do the same thing on your own.
As a group, have one person pray each of the parts of this prayer as they are outlined below but pause after each and listen to the Spirit. What ideas come to mind? What promptings do you have? What convictions do you feel? As the Spirit brings something to your mind and heart after each section, briefly pray it out loud with just a word or two before going to the next part of the prayer.
Pray: Lord, we want to hear from you and experience you together in this moment. Help us to hear from you and respond to each of these:
- Our Father, holy and awesome is your name. You are... (pause and each person share what the Spirit brings to mind about how awesome your Father is.)
- Bring your kingdom to my life on earth as it is in heaven. Help me to experience the culture of your kingdom at or in... (pause and each person share how and where the Spirit brings to mind that He wants the culture of heaven to be experienced)
- Lord, do your will in my life here just as it would be in heaven. Do your will in... (Pause and each person share where the Spirit is bringing to mind an area where His will needs to be done or made known)
- Father, provide my need for today. Please help me with... (Pause and share the need for today that the Spirit brings to mind)
- Forgive me and help me to forgive others. (Pause and share what the Spirit brings to mind about where you need to seek forgiveness or where you need to offer forgiveness)
- Lead me to not give in to temptation that comes against me everyday. Deliver me from... (Pause and share what the Spirit reveals is an area that is difficult for you but He wants to deliver you!)
Lord, you have heard our prayers and we know you will answer. Help us to continue to pray in a way that starts with you and ends with me. Help us to continue to pray in a way that listens more than we talk. Help us to experience Jesus each and every day, and help us to bring that culture of your kingdom to this earth so that I and others experience you like never before.
As a group, have one person pray each of the parts of this prayer as they are outlined below but pause after each and listen to the Spirit. What ideas come to mind? What promptings do you have? What convictions do you feel? As the Spirit brings something to your mind and heart after each section, briefly pray it out loud with just a word or two before going to the next part of the prayer.
Pray: Lord, we want to hear from you and experience you together in this moment. Help us to hear from you and respond to each of these:
- Our Father, holy and awesome is your name. You are... (pause and each person share what the Spirit brings to mind about how awesome your Father is.)
- Bring your kingdom to my life on earth as it is in heaven. Help me to experience the culture of your kingdom at or in... (pause and each person share how and where the Spirit brings to mind that He wants the culture of heaven to be experienced)
- Lord, do your will in my life here just as it would be in heaven. Do your will in... (Pause and each person share where the Spirit is bringing to mind an area where His will needs to be done or made known)
- Father, provide my need for today. Please help me with... (Pause and share the need for today that the Spirit brings to mind)
- Forgive me and help me to forgive others. (Pause and share what the Spirit brings to mind about where you need to seek forgiveness or where you need to offer forgiveness)
- Lead me to not give in to temptation that comes against me everyday. Deliver me from... (Pause and share what the Spirit reveals is an area that is difficult for you but He wants to deliver you!)
Lord, you have heard our prayers and we know you will answer. Help us to continue to pray in a way that starts with you and ends with me. Help us to continue to pray in a way that listens more than we talk. Help us to experience Jesus each and every day, and help us to bring that culture of your kingdom to this earth so that I and others experience you like never before.
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Let us know that you were here, what your next step is that you are taking, or how we can pray for you and help you!