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Hillside Community Church

Sunday June 9

Sunday June 9

Locations & Times

Hillside Community Church

103 N Ford St, Golden, CO 80403, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Welcome to Hillside!

Series: Be Right (Romans)
Sermon: If Jesus Were to Return Today, Would You Be Clothed Appropriately?
Passage: Romans 13:11-14
Pastor Shawn Bowen
1. Wake up! Be mindful of the time in which we live. (vv. 11-12a)

A. An “eschatological” passage.

B. We need to wake up from our slumber and overcome our complacency.

C. There is urgency, because the return of Christ is closer today than it was yesterday.
2. Straighten up! Behave accordingly. (vv. 12b-14)

A. Put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Ephesians 4:20-24

B. Stop thinking about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.

C. Behave decently. Galatians 5:19-26

D. Clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 12:1-2

- We are to be like Christ in His service. John 13:14-15

- We are to be like Christ in His love. Ephesians 5:1-2

- We are to be like Christ in His mission. John 17:18, 20:21
-------- ANNOUNCEMENTS --------
Ministry Calendar

Jun 12: Community Night at the Park, 6:00pm
Jun 16: Youth Group, 4:00pm
Jun 20: Men's Gathering, 6:00pm
Jun 23: Church-wide Fishing Outing
Jun 26: Community Night at the Park, 6:00pm
July 07: Nicaragua Fundraiser Barbecue, after the service
Community Nights at the Park, Hosted by Life Groups

Join us for a relaxed and enjoyable time at the park, hosted by our Life Groups. Bring a ball, frisbee, or let the kids enjoy the playground. We’ll gather twice a month throughout the summer. Everyone is welcome, whether you’re part of a Life Group or not. This will be a wonderful opportunity to connect and build community before our new Life Groups start in the fall. An RSVP to the host would be helpful but not necessary.

June 12, 6:00pm at Fairmount park (Hosted by Piaskowys) bring a picnic lunch for your family

June 26, 6:00pm at Fairmount park (Hosted by Weilers) bring a picnic lunch for your family

July 11, 6:00pm at Fetykos (Hosted by Fetykos) - food provided (Thursday)

July 24th, 6:00pm at Fairmount park (Hosted by Semichs) bring a picnic lunch for your family

August 7, 6:00pm at Fetykos (Hosted by Fetykos) - food provided

August 21, 6:00pm at Fairmount park (host TBD)
Kids Camp - July 15-19

July 15-19 is SCUBA camp week! Registration for kids is now closed. Volunteers are still needed. Sign up on the Faith Lutheran website to volunteer.
Youth Group Summer Plans

Youth will meet during service June 9th-30th in the coffee shop. We will be taking a break for July and resuming again in August.

Summer Youth Meetups:
June 23: Hike Windy Saddle following the service
July 15-19: Volunteer at Kids Camp
July 19: Elitches following Kids Camp (come even if you can't volunteer)
July 26-28: Camping at YMCA Snow Mountain Ranch
Aug 11: Rockies Game and Concert (if there is enough interest)
Aug 25: Paddle Boarding/Picnic following the service
Ministry Notes
(see website and weekly email for more details)

The Golden MOPS group will be taking a break from their regular meetings for the summer. They will resume meeting in the fall under a new name: MomCo (Mom Community). Summer playdates are scheduled for June 11 & 25, July 2 & 30, and August 20. And there is a family campout scheduled for August 3-4. For more information, email

Care Team Ministry
The goal of the Care Team is to physically support the congregation of Hillside Community Church. Care is provided on an intermittent, as-needed basis to fill in the gaps in care when family and friends are unable to meet the individual's needs. We have multiple volunteers who are able to provide transportation to and from appointments, necessary errands such as grocery shopping and deliveries, and hospital visits. Potential care recipients, and anyone desiring to be a transportation volunteer, can initiate contact by emailing

Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers offer high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered, emotional and spiritual care for people in the congregations going through difficult times. If you would like to like more information about getting connected with a Stephen Minister, or if you'd like to be a Stephen Minister, please email the Stephen Ministry team at

Prayer Ministry
Please email the prayer team to submit prayer requests ( You can also receive prayer in person from 9:30-10:00am Sunday mornings in the cry room adjacent to the church foyer.

Meals Ministry
The Meals Ministry is a practical way to meet the needs of others in the congregation who are welcoming a new baby or experiencing challenging circumstances. If you would like more information about providing meals, or if you yourself are in need of meals, please contact Jenny Ward.

Women's Ministry
The Saturday morning Women's Bible study is taking a break for the summer. The group will resume meeting in August.

Men's Ministry
The Thursday morning Men's Bible Study meets every other Thursday at 6:00am (next: May 30). Please contact Elliot Makuh for more information.
The Saturday morning Men's Bible Study is taking a break for the summer months and will resume in the fall.

Young Adults
The Young Adults group is taking a break for the summer and will resume in the fall.

Youth Group
Youth Group meets in the back of the coffee shop during service except on the 1st Sunday of the month to participate in communion. Youth Group also meets on Sunday evenings at the church from 4:00-5:30pm. Contact Val Semich for more information.

Children's Ministry
Interested in serving in our Children's Ministry? Please contact Angela or Tom Wheaton.

For more ministry information, please visit

Online Giving

Thanks for joining us today! If you would like to donate to the ministry of Hillside Community Church, please click below for online giving options.
RightNow Media

Hillside has unlimited access to RightNow Media—the world’s largest streaming library of video Bible study resources with over 20,000 videos. The library includes studies on every book of the Bible as well as topics such as marriage, parenting, finances, and mental health. There’s even a library just for kids with over 2,000 safe, entertaining videos. To get started, simply click on the link below, create your free account, and start browsing more than 20,000 inspiring videos.

Worship Songs on Spotify

Check out this playlist of worship songs on Spotify curated by our Worship Pastor, Mike Flack.

Worship Songs on Apple Music

Or, if you prefer Apple Music...
Giving Update

General Fund (Budget: $42,000)
May $33,462
Apr $39,981
Mar $46,563
YTD avg $47,775

Nicaragua (Budget: $4,600)
May $3,010
Apr $3,060
Mar $3,490
YTD avg $3,221

Thank you for your generous support!