North Platte Berean Church

The Best Belonging
We've seen how Paul starts his letter to the Romans by laying Gospel Foundations: our need to be justified (declared "not guilty") by God and how He makes this possible through faith alone. So…now what? In chapters 5-8, Paul shifts his focus to what this gospel produces. He highlights the fruit (benefits) the gospel brings to those who believe it, and how this in turn produces even more fruit (Christ-honoring attitudes and actions) in their lives. Join in as we delight in our justification ("not guilty!"), peace, hope, reconciliation, freedom from sin, and Spirit-filling, among so many other amazing Gospel Fruits!
Locations & Times
North Platte Berean Church
202 W 8th St, North Platte, NE 69101, USA
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
• Kids Connect Summer Schedule: 252 Kids and 252 Tweens
• Summer in the Psalms – A Series of Gatherings for Women: starting Wed. 6/5
• Partnership Exploration –join the NPBC mission: Sun., 6/9, 9:15-10:30 a.m.
• Berean Fundamentals: Tuesdays, 6/11-8/6, 6:45-8:30 p.m.
• Summer Prayer Walking: Sun., 6/16-Sat., 8/17
For details, see (scroll down to The Latest).
• Hours this week: Tue.-Thur. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (closed Mon. in observance of Memorial Day)
• Contact us:,, 308-532-7448
New Here?
• Bibles: available free at information center
• Sound levels: assisted listening devices and earplugs available at sound booth
• PDF bulletin:
Worship as a Family
• Children (infant-grade 6): Kids Connect is available at 9:15 and 11 a.m. – check-in inside east doors or upstairs from foyer. Kids also welcome in large gatherings; activity bags at back of auditorium to help them engage.
• Students (grades 6-12): On break for summer – will resume in August.
Worship through Prayer
• 24-7 prayer room: Available at the Caring Center (8th & Jeffers, north door, entry code 0633).
• This week: Pray for Royal Family Kids Camp this week – health and safety for the campers and volunteers, good weather, soft hearts to respond to the love of Jesus, and all the other details needed so this week is a real blessing to these dear children and those serving them.
Worship in Song
• Cornerstone – Hillsong
• Yet Not I but through Christ in Me – CityAlight
• Came to My Rescue – Lifeway Worship
Worship by Giving
• Online:
• Text: Text any amount to 84321.
• Mail: 202 W. 8th St., North Platte, NE 69101
(Marriage, metaphor)
More info/support on marriage, divorce, remarriage Will there be marriage in heaven?
• Slave to sin (self, society, satan) -Rom 6:5-23
• Stuck in destructive thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, words (commission/omission) -Rom. 1:18-32
• Being a good person -Rom. 2:12-24
• Root idols: control, comfort/pleasure, success/power, approval -Lk. 6:24-26
Baptism is a public witness of an internal reality, that the person has passed from death to life by trusting Jesus alone for salvation. Today we will baptize Will Wright (by friends – Dustin Owens and Shawn Morrison).
Growing with Jesus isn’t just for Sundays. Make it an everyday, everywhere, with everyone mission by going “beyond Sunday”!
Engage in these resources on your own and with your Grow Group*, family, or a friend:
• For additional perspective, watch this video on Rom. 7 by J.D. Greear:
• Biblical references to marriage point to the Church as the bride of Christ. To better understand this concept, read this article:
• Believers who die to the law are free to belong to Jesus and bear fruit for God (Rom. 7:4). Consider one (even small) way you can live this out this week by the way you treat others. Then commit to do it!
• Write out Romans 7:5-6 in your own words. How can you share this truth in words or actions this week?
• How does being “in Christ” free us from being married to: self; destructive thoughts/behaviors; being a “good person”; or running after things like control, comfort, or approval?
• Listen to Yet Not I but through Christ in Me ( several times. Write down all the ways Christ empowers us to defeat sin and bear fruit for God.
* Connecting in community with other believers is crucial for spiritual growth. Explore group options at