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Waymaker Church - The Gospel Defined - Freedom From Indwelling Sin

Sunday Morning Service 5.26.24

Sunday Morning Service 5.26.24

Sunday Service

Locations & Times

Waymaker Church

202 S Sunset Ave, Roswell, NM 88203, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Welcome to Waymaker Church! We are so excited to have you join us today! We exist to Encounter, Live for, and Advance the Kingdom of God!
Over the past 7 weeks we have been going through the book of Romans.
We have looked at:
Wk1 The Just shall live by faith (we have to believe) —That is the one thing put on our tab… its our choice to believe!
Wk2 God's Wrath on Unrighteousness & His righteous judgment. — God is just. Sin requires payment. His word is true. Sin can’t simply be overlooked. It need be paid for.
Wk3 All have sinned — There isn’t a human on this earth other than Jesus Christ that has lead a sinless life. So the payment needed for justification was priceless.
Wk4 The Promise Granted through faith — Just like Abraham believe the promise never seeing the fulfillment of the promise this side of eternity, we too need to have faith that God’s word is resolute
Wk5 Christ in our Place — God’s word says he would send a redeemer. It also said that He would send a helper. So not only was the price paid for our sin, we were empowered by Him… For what?
Wk6 Dead to Sin, Alive to God - The empowerment was not just to help us escape hell. It was to die to sin and become alive unto God. To be set free…
Wk7 (Pastor will be preaching this soon) Free from indwelling Sin
And this brings us to today…
Moving from suffering to glory….

This very scripture show us the tension we live in.
We live in the middle of a right now and not yet moment.
This is where you see that tug of war on the inside of you.
Eternity in you… the spirit of God in you is saying… “Not yet.” But the carnality in you … the soul is saying… “right now.”
We are living in a paradigm called “TIME”. It is a season we live in where God reveals and works our his redemption plan. He makes his plan known and then gives humanity a choice of acceptance. The price was paid for all humanity, but his desire is voluntary sonship/daughter-ship… whereby we cry out to him Abba Father.
What hope?? The hope that God will give us full rights as sons and daughters of the king. It is something we yet have… so let’s wait on him patiently and Confidentaly! Ps. Josh… that’s tough! I know… thats why…

Last week we had many who were filled with the Holy Spirit. There was a particular gentleman who has been desiring to be filled with the Spirit for a long season. It finally happened. Question arose… “What am I saying?” “What Language am I speaking?” “What do I do know?”

Though I have seen many of testimony where an actual language was spoken, we see here that there are times when the Holy Spirit prays with groaning that cannot be expressed in words.
It may not be a language.

So what do you do with it? Keep praying!!

The father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying! And here is some Good News!! The Spirit pleads for us in harmony with God’s own will!

When you don’t know what to say…. just pray!
There is a struggle in scholarly circles here about predestination. That is saying, that why all the struggle if God already knows who is/isn’t going to be with him in heaven? Why not just shut down shop and make the decision already and let’s end this thing called “TIME.”

It’s not that God has pre-destined per se, but rather that in his infinite knowledge, he knows who is going to make the choice… but that just it, we still have a choice to make.

God is not looking for drones. He is looking for relationship. He’s not looking for slaves. He’s looking for Sons and Daughters.
There is a calling for all, just not all receive it.

But for those who do, redemption and glory WITH Him follow.


I want you to grasp something here.... we will be persecuted this side of eternity, but as Matthew 10:28 says,

Matthew 10:28 (NLT)
28 “Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

If God is for you, the powers of hell cannot accuse you… they cannot condemn you!
Because JESUS ROSE FROM THE DEAD! Death, Hell and the Grave was defeated that day! Though the devil is a formidable foe, I genuinely believe he receives undue credit! Jesus is alive! Ergo, the devil cannot condemn, the devil cannot accuse if you are in Christ Jesus!


Despite the influx of life and the brokenness we may feel, “OVERWHELMING VICTORY IS OURS THROUGH CHRIST…Who Loved Us!”
Do you see the hope found in Christ? Do you see that we are not simply a defeated folk waiting for the sky to split and Jesus to return? That we aren’t here to simply sing the escape songs??
-He turns our mourning into dancing (Ps 30:11)
-He turns our Sorrow into Joy (John 16:20)

Yes, you were born into sin. Yes, you have made some dumb choices! Yes, you may have dealt with the consequences of others choices.
But right now you have a choice! Stay a victim! OR step into victory!

God is calling us from Suffering into glory!
-Not our glory, but His!
-Not our works, but His Finished work!

Not only has He made a way and completely performed a task we could never perform, but He has given us a down-payment on eternity through the infilling of His Spirit!

How do I know the Spirit of God is working within me?

Jesus points to this same thing…

He tells us that John 13:35
John 13:35 NLT
35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

-Who doesn’t want the Love of God and the ability to love others beyond what they can do for you?
-Who doesn’t want Joy in life even when it seems like the world is falling apart?
-Who doesn’t want peace in life even when it seems like all hell is breaking loose?
-Who doesn’t want patience, kindness and goodness as their attributes to the body of Christ?
-Who doesn’t want faithfulness to be a character trait that others admire in you?
-Who doesn't’ want the ability to be gentle towards others instead of brash and able to be self controlled?


If we are not seeing this fruit, maybe its simply because we haven’t fully grasped the reality that Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world! Maybe it’s because our revelation of Jesus’ victory on the cross hasn’t fully developed.

God is not surprised where you are, but he is ready for you to move forward! He is ready for you to step out of suffering and into glory!
-Does this mean no more trouble or pain? NO!
-Does this mean no more enemies? NO!

But it does mean rest in the midst of the pain and enemies.
Ps 23 “I prepare a table for you… in the presence of your enemies.”

God is legit saying, “Focus on me, because my eyes are on you.”

When you are focused on him, Mourning turns into dancing, Sorrow into joy.

From Suffering to Glory

Rewrite Your Story // Glory To Glory

Rewrite Your Story // Glory To Glory

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