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Hope Center Covenant Church

The Book of Luke: The Uncommon Life; Uncommon Resilience-- Luke 7:36-50

The Book of Luke: The Uncommon Life; Uncommon Resilience-- Luke 7:36-50

Pastor Bud Locke

Locations & Times

Hope Center Covenant Church

2275 Morello Ave, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

“Shame is the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging.”

Brené Brown
“Shame is the feeling you get when you believe that you’re not worthy of anyone caring about you or loving you. That you’re such a bad person that you can’t even blame other people for not caring about you.”

Brené Brown
“The bad news is that shame resistance is not possible—as long as we care about connection, the fear of disconnection will always be a powerful force in our lives, and the pain caused by shame will always be real. But here’s the great news: Shame resilience is possible, teachable, and within reach for all of us.”

Brené Brown
Become shame resilient by ______________ (_______________).
Become shame resilient by __________________ (_______________).
Become shame resilient by __________________ (_______________).
Become shame resilient by __________________ (_______________).

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