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Hillside Community Church

Sunday May 12

Sunday May 12

Locations & Times

Hillside Community Church

103 N Ford St, Golden, CO 80403, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Welcome to Hillside!

Sermon: Drawing a Picture of God's Grace
Pastor Gus Gill

Psalm 103:11-14

Romans 5:20-21
1. A misunderstanding of God’s grace.

A. We think it is dependent on our performance.

B. We are often not living in our identity in Christ. Ephesians 1:3-6
2. The encouragement of God’s grace.

A. God uses us in our weaknesses. 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

B. God extends His favor to us. Genesis 39:19-23; Psalm 5:11-12

C. The parable of the cracked pot.
3. The extent of God’s grace in three biblical characters.

A. Mary Magdalene - from depravity to dignity. Luke 8:1-3

B. The woman at the well. John 4:25, 28-29, 39

C. The Apostle John - the disciple the Lord loved.
Application Thoughts

1. Do not think too highly of yourself, but live passionately in your identity for Jesus. Romans 12:3-8, 11

2. Do to others as you would desire for it to be done for you. Matthew 7:12; Luke 7:36-50

3. Grow in grace and trust that He is enough.
-------- ANNOUNCEMENTS --------
Ministry Calendar

May 12: No Youth Group
May 16: Men's Bible Study, 6:00am
May 16: Men's Gathering, 6:00pm
May 19: No Youth Group
May 26: Baptisms, after the service
May 26: No Youth Group
Men's Gathering - May 16

Men, join us for an evening of fellowship at Barrels and Bottles at Camp George West on Thursday, May 16 at 6:00pm. These gatherings provide a great opportunity for men to connect, grow in friendship, and encourage each other in our walks with the Lord. Looking forward to catching up!
Kids Camp - July 15

July 15-19 is SCUBA camp week! Sign up on the Faith Lutheran website to volunteer or participate.
Baptisms and Baby Dedications

We are planning baptisms and baby dedications for the Spring. The baptism is currently scheduled for May 26. If you are interested in being baptized or dedicating your child(ren), please email Pastor Shive.
Care Team Ministry

The goal of the Care Team is to physically support the congregation of Hillside Community Church. Care is provided on an intermittent, as-needed basis* to fill in the gaps in care when family and friends are unable to meet the individual's needs.

The Care Team is ready to serve! We have multiple volunteers who are able to provide transportation to and from appointments, necessary errands such as grocery shopping and deliveries, and hospital visits.

Potential care recipients, and anyone desiring to be a transportation volunteer, can initiate contact by emailing Someone on the team will respond as quickly as possible. You can also speak to any one of the four Care Team Leaders on Sundays at church: Natalie Makuh, Heidi Fetkyo, Andrea Flack, or Karen Weiler.

As this ministry develops, we hope to be able to support individuals in the progression of their care needs by helping assess levels of care needed and helping to discover and access community resources.

*Care Team is not a home healthcare service. Regularly-scheduled ongoing care, medical care, and medical advice are not provided.
Ministry Notes
(see website and weekly email for more details)

Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers offer high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered, emotional and spiritual care for people in the congregations going through difficult times. If you would like to like more information about getting connected with a Stephen Minister, or if you'd like to be a Stephen Minister, please email the Stephen Ministry team at

Prayer Ministry
The Prayer Team hosts a monthly prayer night at 7:00pm on the third Monday of the month (next: June 17). Everyone is welcome! The Prayer Team is also available before and after the service if you need prayer.

Meals Ministry
The Meals Ministry is a practical way to meet the needs of others in the congregation who are welcoming a new baby or experiencing challenging circumstances. If you would like more information about providing meals, or if you yourself are in need of meals, please contact Jenny Ward.

Women's Ministry
The Saturday morning Women's Bible study is taking a break for the summer. The group will resume meeting in August.

Men's Ministry
The Thursday morning Men's Bible Study meets every other Thursday at 6:00am (next: May 16). Please contact Elliot Makuh for more information.
The Saturday morning Men's Bible Study is taking a break for the summer months and will resume in the fall.

Young Adults
The Young Adults group is taking a break for the summer and will resume in the fall.

Youth Group
Youth Group meets in the back of the coffee shop during service except on the 1st Sunday of the month to participate in communion. Youth Group also meets on Sunday evenings at the church from 4:00-5:30pm. Contact Val Semich for more information.
Save the Date: July 26-28, Camping Trip @ YMCA Snow Mountain Ranch.

Children's Ministry
Interested in serving in our Children's Ministry? Please contact Angela or Tom Wheaton.

The Golden MOPS group meets from 9:00-11:00am on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at First Baptist Church in Golden. For more information, email

For more ministry information, please visit

Online Giving

Thanks for joining us today! If you would like to donate to the ministry of Hillside Community Church, please click below for online giving options.
RightNow Media

Hillside has unlimited access to RightNow Media—the world’s largest streaming library of video Bible study resources with over 20,000 videos. The library includes studies on every book of the Bible as well as topics such as marriage, parenting, finances, and mental health. There’s even a library just for kids with over 2,000 safe, entertaining videos. To get started, simply click on the link below, create your free account, and start browsing more than 20,000 inspiring videos.

Worship Songs on Spotify

Check out this playlist of worship songs on Spotify curated by our Worship Pastor, Mike Flack.

Worship Songs on Apple Music

Or, if you prefer Apple Music...
Giving Update

General Fund (Budget: $42,000)
Apr $39,981
Mar $46,563
Feb $54,368
YTD avg $51,353

Nicaragua (Budget: $4,600)
Apr $3,060
Mar $3,490
Feb $4,246
YTD avg $3,274

Thank you for your generous support!