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Concordia Lutheran Church



Joshua is about to serve and be courageous for all of Israel. But Joshua’s service is a secondary matter. The primary focus is that God will serve and be near to Joshua giving Joshua everything he needs. And, through Joshua, God will serve all of Israel giving them His assuring Word. We, like Joshua, need to be reminded that we can only be truly courageous when we let go and let God weave His way in and out of our lives.

Locations & Times

Concordia Lutheran Church

16801 Huebner Rd, San Antonio, TX 78258, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

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Today and for the next few weeks we take a look at a few My Favorite verses. Last year we asked you, the congregation, what your favorite verses were and we got so many incredible submissions. Encouraging, deep and rich submissions. Today we look at Joshua 1:9. And before we look at the verse directly, I want to show you a picture of an award I received at my last church: The YOU ROCK award for bravery and courage.
The help that I needed was with me, literally right next to me the whole time. But I was too distracted and scared to take the time to realize all the help I needed was right there.

That leads us to our verse for this morning from Joshua.
This is God talking to Joshua. And to more clearly understand the text let’s take a look at Joshua a little bit… The first mention of Joshua is Exodus 17:8-13

He was a military commander who helped to defeat the Amalekites under the direction of Moses and the hand of God. He was a faithful minister who accompanies Moses. Moses’ sidekick if you will Exodus 24:13

Joshua had special access to God alongside of Moses Exodus 33:11
Joshua’s life seems to be divided into three very even chapters. He was born into Egyptian slavery in Egypt and spent his first 40 years there, then spent 40 years wandering in the desert with Moses and the Isrealites, then his last 30 years he spent in the promised land. Here just before those 30 years in the promised land God speaks to Joshua.

Joshua was the leader who took over after Moses. God’s chosen instrument to led His people into the promised land. This land that had been promised for years and years. And this is the context for My Favorite…
Imagine taking over for one of the great leaders of all time—Moses. And then, TAG YOU’RE IT, being THE guy to lead God’s people into this land of milk and honey that had been promised for decades. For most, this would be a daunting and stress-inducing call to action. Here, in Joshua, God provides the fulfilment of the rest and the promised land that God promised to Moses and God’s people the Israelites more than 40 years ago. The people were looking to Joshua.

It is Joshua’s turn to lead. And three times God tells Joshua to be strong and courageous. And this command is more of a commissioning. This is God’s way of saying I want you to continue to walk in the steps of what I gave to Moses, Guidance and words to say to Pharoah during the plagues, safety and retreat during the Passover, then giving the commandments, God directs to listen to Him and Joshua will be ok. There’s no military plan or blue print in exactly HOW or what they will do to obtain this land of milk and honey. Just, be strong, be courageous, stuff is going to happen, but I am with you. And we know the rest of the story. God is indeed with Joshua and the Israelites do finally receive this land of milk and honey under God’s guidance and command.
And for us this morning, perhaps, you are sitting there thinking, being strong and courageous doesn’t always sound so great. Sometimes life can be really hard. Sometimes your life is in crisis and you are running around screaming FIRE! My life is on fire! Sickness, money issues, family stresses, arguments with spouse and children…“enough things have happened…”

Sometimes we don’t know if we CAN be strong and courageous. We just don’t have that kind of will and energy. Because the world says we need to have it all together. Well friends, take heart. God promised Joshua to be strong and courageous NOT because of who Joshua is or the BIG plans that he has. Or the energy that he conveys on a daily basis. Or how together he has it. It was because God will be with him wherever he goes and whatever he does… he is with Joshua. Wherever he goes. And He is with us also. Wherever we go. The verse doesn’t say He will be with you in the good only or far from you in the bad. He promised that WHEREVER Joshua finds himself then God’s covenant will be there also.

And Joshua understood. Later in chapter 24 Joshua speaking to the nation with courage.
Joshua stood and was courageous and he is a great example for us.

But, to be clear Joshua’s courage and service is a secondary matter. The primary focus is that God will serve and be near to Joshua giving him everything he needs. And through him, God will serve all of Israel giving them His assuring Word. We, like Joshua need to be reminded that we can only be truly courageous when we let go and let God weave His way in and through our lives. Because we have that very same promise in Jesus. Remember Jesus’ words to His disciples:

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20b

Jesus promises eternal life and His presence in our lives now and always. And He will be and IS with you. Through the Spirit that we received in our baptism. When we take communion. When we read the word. Whenever we gather together. Wherever we go He is with us!

The Israelites waited for the promised land and WE wait for the promised land in the resurrection. Where there will be no more tears no more sorrow no more pain. That great reward and not because YOU RCOK but because of THE rock. Because we will be with Jesus in the eternal promised land He has given us in His great sacrifice.

Not because of anything we DO. But WE are courageous because Christ was courageous for us. And yes, we are going to fumble around and make terrible decisions sometimes because we are sinners and sin in the world… but He is near. He has extinguished the fires of the evil one and He has drawn near in the waters of baptism and we have that Spirit that guides us daily to His truth of true salvation. May we live out God’s will. Courageously living out His truth for He is with us.

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