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Covenant Baptist Church

5/5/2024  Runners, Take Your Mark

5/5/2024 Runners, Take Your Mark

Come | Grow | Serve | Go

Locations & Times

Covenant Baptist Church

1350 E Industrial Rd, Mt Vernon, MO 65712, USA

Sunday 9:15 AM

Sermon Title: Runners, Take Your Mark
Sermon Text: 2 Timothy 1:1-7 and 4:1-8
Preparation Question: What's something good you were taught as a child that has always stuck with you?
Five pieces of biblical advice for graduates:
1. Remember the faith that has been kindled in you and let it shine out. (1:1-6)
2. Recognize that the world doesn’t share your values, so stand firm with Jesus. (4:1-5)
3. Rally when you fall and keep running to the finish line. (4:6-7)
4. Relish the truth that there is an award after the finish. (4:8)
5. Relax. Jesus has got this, and He’s got you. (1:7)
Response Questions
1. Who is someone who has had a significant, positive impact on your life?
2. What did they do to have such an impact on you, and how has it affected your life?
3. How are you impacting the lives of others around you?
4. What are some ways we can encourage ourselves to never give up trusting Jesus and living for Him?
5. How does the call to run with and for Jesus coincide with the invitation to rest in Jesus? How will you faithfully run and rest this week?