The Summit Church

"Quick & Easy Steps to Following Jesus": Calling
Discussion Guide: Week 1
Locations & Times
The Summit Church - Kernersville
4440 High Point Rd, Kernersville, NC 27284, USA
Thursday 6:30 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
View Message this space to take your general notes during the message.
It’s the first week of our brand new series called “Quick & Easy Steps to Following Jesus”. It’s a series about what following Jesus truly means and what this looks like in our life. While many of the concepts may sound simple, we are going to discuss why it is not always easy. This week we turn our attention to Jesus’ Calling and what He means when He says "Follow Me".
Icebreaker: Life is busy and we are often looking for ways to make things quick and easy. Think about the difference in “simplifying” and “taking shortcuts”. How do these two things differ in regards to our faith journey?
Read Matthew 28: 19-20 (NIV). In what ways did following Jesus look different for 1st Century Jesus Followers than for us today? Why is this?
Pastor Jonathan gave us very helpful question we can ask ourselves: “Am I a follower or an admirer of Jesus?” What is the difference between these 2 things and why is it important to be a follower and not an admirer?
Pastor Jonathan gave us very helpful question we can ask ourselves: “Am I a follower or an admirer of Jesus?” What is the difference between these 2 things and why is it important to be a follower and not an admirer?
Following Jesus means to believe what He says and do what He says, the way He does it. Pastor Jonathan said the way “often gets our way”. Have you seen examples of this? Why is the way so difficult for us?
Take time and pray. Ask our Heavenly Father to help this important message take root in our hearts. Ask Him to help us live out what it means to Follow Him. To not only believe what He says, but to do it the way He has asked us.