OneLife Church

Jesus is Enough: Part 1 - Proof
Locations & Times
North Campus
3503 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
About OneLife Church
OneLife Church exists to see people discover Jesus and how their one life can make a difference. We are passionate about it! Head over to to learn more about us!
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To show me the way.
To trust in His truth.
To find true life.
To know God.
What are some things in your life that you depend on to know that you have "enough" of something? What are the gauges, monitors, or metrics that you use to have confidence that there is enough?
What are examples of where it's not so certain to know if you have enough, or you don't have a gauge to know for sure? In those examples, what is the proof that you have enough or have done enough?
What are some things in your life that you depend on to know that you have "enough" of something? What are the gauges, monitors, or metrics that you use to have confidence that there is enough?
What are examples of where it's not so certain to know if you have enough, or you don't have a gauge to know for sure? In those examples, what is the proof that you have enough or have done enough?
This passage of scripture starts with an interesting encouragement from Jesus. Read that in John 14:1. Why do you think Jesus starts with this? What do you think is a take-away for you from this?
Read John 14:2-3. What do you think the disciples and followers of Jesus would have felt if Jesus left them without this promise? When you wonder where Jesus is, what do you think this promise can do for you?
Read John 14:4-5. Right after Jesus says to the disciples that they know "the way" to where he is going, Thomas "talks back" and disagrees with Jesus. Why do you think he did this? Based on how you might think at times yourself, why do you think he responded this way? What was he missing that you and we might be missing sometimes?
This passage of scripture starts with an interesting encouragement from Jesus. Read that in John 14:1. Why do you think Jesus starts with this? What do you think is a take-away for you from this?
Read John 14:2-3. What do you think the disciples and followers of Jesus would have felt if Jesus left them without this promise? When you wonder where Jesus is, what do you think this promise can do for you?
Read John 14:4-5. Right after Jesus says to the disciples that they know "the way" to where he is going, Thomas "talks back" and disagrees with Jesus. Why do you think he did this? Based on how you might think at times yourself, why do you think he responded this way? What was he missing that you and we might be missing sometimes?
Read John 14:6. Jesus' response to Thomas puts all of his questions and doubts to rest - if not in that moment, three days later when the empty tomb proved Jesus to be enough. Think about the four things that Jesus responds with, all of which would be proven trustworthy and true when these same people saw the empty tomb, and share how you have experienced them or how you could experience them.
The Way - When have you not known which way to go in life, but Jesus - either through His word or through His Spirit - gave you the way. What was scary or uncertain about it? And, what are some things you face that seem uncertain, and how can you rest and allow Jesus to be "the way" for you?
The Truth - In a world full of questions and doubt, how have you experienced Jesus being "the truth"? Have you ever doubted when it seemed like you were between "Friday and Sunday" and how did Jesus end up proving that He really is the truth you can trust? What are some doubts you face now that you can let Jesus have, knowing that He will be "the truth" you need?
The Life - What have you lived for that was temporary and only let you down in the end or went away? How has (or how could) living for Jesus given you true life that will never let you down?
Knowing God - You were created to know the one true God, creator of all! How have you experienced this? How does it give you confidence, hope, and assurance?
Read John 14:6. Jesus' response to Thomas puts all of his questions and doubts to rest - if not in that moment, three days later when the empty tomb proved Jesus to be enough. Think about the four things that Jesus responds with, all of which would be proven trustworthy and true when these same people saw the empty tomb, and share how you have experienced them or how you could experience them.
The Way - When have you not known which way to go in life, but Jesus - either through His word or through His Spirit - gave you the way. What was scary or uncertain about it? And, what are some things you face that seem uncertain, and how can you rest and allow Jesus to be "the way" for you?
The Truth - In a world full of questions and doubt, how have you experienced Jesus being "the truth"? Have you ever doubted when it seemed like you were between "Friday and Sunday" and how did Jesus end up proving that He really is the truth you can trust? What are some doubts you face now that you can let Jesus have, knowing that He will be "the truth" you need?
The Life - What have you lived for that was temporary and only let you down in the end or went away? How has (or how could) living for Jesus given you true life that will never let you down?
Knowing God - You were created to know the one true God, creator of all! How have you experienced this? How does it give you confidence, hope, and assurance?
Based on how you responded above, what can you do this week so that you experience Jesus as...
- Your only way?
- Your only truth?
- Your only life?
- Your way to know God?
How can this be a way that you show others around you who Jesus really is? How will this impact your story that you can share with others who don't fully understand who Jesus is and what He wants to do in their life?
Based on how you responded above, what can you do this week so that you experience Jesus as...
- Your only way?
- Your only truth?
- Your only life?
- Your way to know God?
How can this be a way that you show others around you who Jesus really is? How will this impact your story that you can share with others who don't fully understand who Jesus is and what He wants to do in their life?
Pray for each other to truly experience and live out the truth that Jesus is enough. Pray that you can be there to help each other be held accountable and to learn from each other when it seems we trust other ways, other truths, or live for other things and relationships besides Jesus. Pray for those in each others lives who don't yet know Jesus and that they will find Him through having relationship with those of us who do know Him.
Pray for each other to truly experience and live out the truth that Jesus is enough. Pray that you can be there to help each other be held accountable and to learn from each other when it seems we trust other ways, other truths, or live for other things and relationships besides Jesus. Pray for those in each others lives who don't yet know Jesus and that they will find Him through having relationship with those of us who do know Him.
OneLife Membership
Each year at OneLife we wipe our membership roster clean and start over by identifying who is already "membering" and acknowledge that for the year to come. If OneLife Church is your home and you want to know more about how you can take the step to being a member in 2024 (and why that even matters!) check out this page and complete the membership self-assessment. We will help you determine the best next step for you to be fully invested and engaged in the life of our church and our mission! Connection Card
Let us know that you were here, what your next step is that you are taking, or how we can pray for you and help you!