Central Christian Church
Weekend Worship | March 31
“Easter 2024" | March 31 | Isaiah 25:1-9
Locations & Times
Central Christian Church
2900 N Rock Rd, Wichita, KS 67226, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
I. God has done a wonder
a. It was planned
b. It was sure
a. It was planned
b. It was sure
II. God has completed the destruction of the city
II. God has completed the destruction of the city
a. Spiritual and physical rebellion
b. Conqueror
a. Spiritual and physical rebellion
b. Conqueror
III. God set the tables
III. God set the tables
a. He will swallow up the veil
a. He will swallow up the veil
III. God set the tables
a. He will swallow up the veil
b. He will swallow up death
c. He will wipe away our tears
d. He will take away our reproach
a. He will swallow up the veil
b. He will swallow up death
c. He will wipe away our tears
d. He will take away our reproach
Key Theme:
God has done a wonder; in Jesus he has defeated all that is broken and rebellious. He is preparing an eternal feast for us, he swallowed the veil that blinds us, and death itself. Through Jesus he will wipe away our tears and remove our reproach forever.
Key Application:
Become so familiar with this truth that we live fearless lives for his glory.
Key Verses:
Psalm 24:3-4 “Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully.”
Key Questions:
1. Are you familiar with Jesus’ death and resurrection in a way the stirs you to fearlessness or apathy?
2. Has your reproach been removed? If you would like to talk with someone, please text CONNECT to (316) 202-9767 and we will reach out to you shortly.
Key Theme:
God has done a wonder; in Jesus he has defeated all that is broken and rebellious. He is preparing an eternal feast for us, he swallowed the veil that blinds us, and death itself. Through Jesus he will wipe away our tears and remove our reproach forever.
Key Application:
Become so familiar with this truth that we live fearless lives for his glory.
Key Verses:
Psalm 24:3-4 “Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully.”
Key Questions:
1. Are you familiar with Jesus’ death and resurrection in a way the stirs you to fearlessness or apathy?
2. Has your reproach been removed? If you would like to talk with someone, please text CONNECT to (316) 202-9767 and we will reach out to you shortly.
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https://go.ccc.org/takeawayResources for today’s sermon are available upon request in the church office.
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