White River Christian Church

Don't Say $#%&X In Church! | Week Two | The Magic #
Locations & Times
White River Christian Church - Noblesville Campus
1685 N 10th St, Noblesville, IN 46060, United States
Monday 9:00 AM
Monday 11:00 AM
54% of people would listen to country music for the remainder of their lives.
45% of people would quit the internet for 15 years.
42% of people would have all their teeth removed!
30% of people would do 5 years in prison.
24% of people would live in complete solitude for 20 years.
14% of people would be willing to cut off the thumb of their dominant hand.
7% of people would never take another shower or apply deodorant for the rest of their lives!
45% of people would quit the internet for 15 years.
42% of people would have all their teeth removed!
30% of people would do 5 years in prison.
24% of people would live in complete solitude for 20 years.
14% of people would be willing to cut off the thumb of their dominant hand.
7% of people would never take another shower or apply deodorant for the rest of their lives!
What is your magic #?
“Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” v.21
The Kingdom of God must be #1

“Seek first the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” v.33
The Kingdom of God must be #1
Is God or money #1 in your life?