Lancaster Baptist Church

LBC Sunday Morning - March 24
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Lancaster Baptist Church
4020 E Lancaster Blvd, Lancaster, CA 93535, USA
Sunday 8:15 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
First Time Guests
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Text: John 19:1-18
Speaker: Pastor Paul Chappell
Text: John 19:1-18
Speaker: Pastor Paul Chappell
I. The Witnesses of His Sacrifice
A. Rejecters of Christ
1. The Thieves
Quote: “Paradise existed before the resurrection was in the heart of the earth, also referred to as Abraham’s Bosom.”
- The Soldiers
- The Crowd
B. Redeemed in Christ
II. The Work of His Sacrifice
A. Suffering
- Broken For You
- A Substitution For Us
III. The Wonder of His Sacrifice
- Bleeding For You
A. The Wonder of Propitiation
Quote: “The atonement is a propitiation whereby God,
through the death of Jesus, makes an unholy man holy.” —Oswald Chambers
through the death of Jesus, makes an unholy man holy.” —Oswald Chambers
- Our Sins Are Covered
Quote: “There is no death of sin without the death of
Christ.”— John Owen
Christ.”— John Owen
Quote: “It cost more to redeem us than to create us. In creation there was but ‘speaking the word.’ In redeeming us, there was ‘shedding the blood.’”
B. Separation
- Separated From His Father
- Satan Is Defeated
B. The Wonder of Redemption
Quote: No matter what your question or need – The Cross is God’s last argument. It is an argument of love – It was not the nails of the cross that held him there, it was love!
C. The Wonder of Glorification
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