Sun Mar 24, 2024
Locations & Times
The Roads Church - NC
583 US-45, Norris City, IL 62869, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
The Roads Church App
The Roads Church App is the easiest way for you to connect with all things going on in church life. Check out sermons, see our giving options, take your next steps, and much more right there in the palm of your hand. Download the App today and let's build Jesus' kingdom together! Roads Church
Our vision at The Roads Church is to connect people with Jesus from all roads of life! We encourage you to visit our website to access sermons, set up recurring giving, stay up to date with all that is happening at The Roads Church through our calendar of events and much much more!
We believe that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much! If you have a prayer request we would love to pray with you. If you have a testimony of something Jesus did in your life? You need to know that the power of a testimony can encourage someone else that what Jesus did for you He will do for others as well. Connect with us here to share your prayer request or testimony. do I give?
One or our Core Values at The Roads Church is:We Live Generously - Freely we receive, freely we give! The generosity of all of our partners through their tithes and offerings is what allows the ministry of The Roads Church to continue to impact lives all around the world as well as in our local communities. If Jesus has ministered to you through this ministry and you would like to be partner with us to build His kingdom then please feel free to click the link below to our website or you can also use The Roads Church App for all of your giving and much more! We thank you ahead of time for your joyful generosity! - sĕiō - To violently shake; vibrate or agitate, create a commotion
Shaken - salĕuō - To move back and forth rapidly often violently; to shake
Drove out - ĕkballō - To throw out, drive out, force to leave by physical meansek - origin; from or outballo - throw, cast or thrust
Overturned - katastrĕphō - To turn upside down; to cause something to be upset or turned over from its normal position.
Overturned - katastrĕphō - To turn upside down; to cause something to be upset or turned over from its normal position.
Wonderful - thaumasiŏs - Miraculous, worthy of amazement and wonder; astonishing
Indignant - aganaktĕo - Incensed, offended, irate
Indignant - aganaktĕo - Incensed, offended, irate
LORD - kuriŏs - Supreme in authority; title for God or Christ; Ruler or Master
Immediately - ĕuthĕōs - Without delay or hesitation; at once
Immediately - ĕuthĕōs - Without delay or hesitation; at once
Hosanna - hōsanna - Save now! A shout of praise or adoration