Grace Bible Church

SIGNS: #1 Water to Wine - John 2:1-11
March 17, 2024
Locations & Times
Grace Bible Church
601 Blue Ridge Rd, Columbia, MO 65202, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
WELCOME - March 17, 2024
If you are a guest - please use the link below to let us know you were here - we will reply with a thank you note and welcome any questions! You can scroll to the end of the notes section to see our weekly announcements.
-Pastor Mike
Wedding vs 1-2
Wedding vs 1-2
Want vs 3-5
Want vs 3-5
Water vs 6-7
Water vs 6-7
Wine vs 8-10
Wine vs 8-10
Why vs 11
Why vs 11
Small Group 101 Training
March 23rd at 9am - If you have a servant's heart, a desire to support and encourage others in their faith journey, and a commitment to fostering fellowship, we want YOU! We invite all interested Grace members to consider becoming small group leaders. It is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to our church family, create a community environment, and spiritually grow with others. If you feel called to lead or host or want to learn more about Grace Small Groups, please sign up for our monthly Small Group 101 Training. For proper planning, RSVP here at the link by March 20. If you have any questions or need additional information, contact Pastor Denis Garjio ( FRIDAY SERVICE
March 29th at 7pm - Grace will host a Good Friday service. We will examine the trial where Jesus was taken to the doorstep of Pilate. Jesus responds to Pilate's questions with a blend of kindness, silence, and truth leading Pilate to say, "I find no fault". This darkest Friday is Good Friday because the Lamb of God became the Lamb of the world. A time will also be set aside to participate in the remembrance of communion together. This is a family-friendly service and the Greenhouse will not be open.
March 29th at 7pm - Grace will host a Good Friday service. We will examine the trial where Jesus was taken to the doorstep of Pilate. Jesus responds to Pilate's questions with a blend of kindness, silence, and truth leading Pilate to say, "I find no fault". This darkest Friday is Good Friday because the Lamb of God became the Lamb of the world. A time will also be set aside to participate in the remembrance of communion together. This is a family-friendly service and the Greenhouse will not be open.
March 31st at 9am & 10:30am - We would love to have you and your family join us for Easter Sunday! We will celebrate with identical services at 9am and 10:30am. Our Greenhouse Children's Choir will be performing at the beginning of each service.
March 31st at 9am & 10:30am - We would love to have you and your family join us for Easter Sunday! We will celebrate with identical services at 9am and 10:30am. Our Greenhouse Children's Choir will be performing at the beginning of each service.
April 6 at 9am - It is time to do some cleaning and maintenance around the church building! Plan to come and help us be good stewards of our property. We have something for every skill level and options both inside the building and outside. Bring your toolbox and gloves with you!
April 6 at 9am - It is time to do some cleaning and maintenance around the church building! Plan to come and help us be good stewards of our property. We have something for every skill level and options both inside the building and outside. Bring your toolbox and gloves with you!
2024 Family Retreat
Our seventh Family Retreat at the lake will be on August 16-18th at Cross Pointe Camp & Retreat Center. We know that this feels like a long time away but save the date and go ahead and reserve your room! There are two options to pay and lots more details on our website at the link here.
Why we give God is generous and so He calls us to be as well. What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances. Give Online Giving online is easy, you can set up a "One-time" gift or set up "Recurring" giving any time you would like. You can do this by link below or through our Church App - Grace Bible Columbia. Give In Person We have offering boxes located at the back of our Sanctuary next to each door. There are specified offering envelopes for general giving, missions giving and special giving. Mail A Check If you would like to give by sending a check, please make all checks out to "Grace Bible Church" and mail them to 601 Blue Ridge Road, Columbia, MO 65202.