Cross Bridge Church - A Church of the Nazarene

Our mission is helping people move from where they are to where God wants them to be.
Locations & Times
Cross Bridge Church
651 Barnes Blvd, Rockledge, FL 32955, USA
Sunday 7:00 AM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
The Foundation of Christianity is the __________________ _______ ___________________.
The Foundation of Christianity is the __________________ _______ ___________________.
Did The _________________________ ________________?
The __________________ ______________________ of the Gospel Writers.
Did The _________________________ ________________?
The __________________ ______________________ of the Gospel Writers.
Jesus said clearly over and over again to his disciples.
I am going to be _____________________
I am going to _____________
I am going to ____________ _____________
I am going to be _____________________
I am going to _____________
I am going to ____________ _____________
How _________ ______ ______________________?
Spiritual growth happens when we receive new knowledge and then apply it to our lives. This always happens best in the context of community. Take time this week and engage in these additional scriptures and questions on your own. Then, discuss them with your Small Group.“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” Proverbs 27:17
How does the resurrection differentiate Christianity from other belief systems?
Consider Jesus' disciples' doubts and disbelief regarding his resurrection. Why do you think they struggled to believe initially, despite Jesus' repeated predictions of his resurrection? Can you relate to their doubts in your own faith journey?
As you think about the transparency of the Gospel writers in portraying the first followers as flawed and uncertain. What stands out to you?
Why do you think the Gospels emphasize this detail of the women being the first witnesses, especially considering the cultural context where women weren't typically regarded as credible witnesses?
Reflect on the transformation of Jesus' disciples following his resurrection, from fearful and disheartened individuals to bold proclaimers of the Gospel. In what ways do you see the power of Jesus' resurrection working in your life or in the lives of others?
How does the message of Jesus' resurrection impact your perspective on Easter and your relationship with God? What practical steps can you take to continue growing in your understanding and experience of Jesus' resurrection power?
Spiritual growth happens when we receive new knowledge and then apply it to our lives. This always happens best in the context of community. Take time this week and engage in these additional scriptures and questions on your own. Then, discuss them with your Small Group.“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” Proverbs 27:17
How does the resurrection differentiate Christianity from other belief systems?
Consider Jesus' disciples' doubts and disbelief regarding his resurrection. Why do you think they struggled to believe initially, despite Jesus' repeated predictions of his resurrection? Can you relate to their doubts in your own faith journey?
As you think about the transparency of the Gospel writers in portraying the first followers as flawed and uncertain. What stands out to you?
Why do you think the Gospels emphasize this detail of the women being the first witnesses, especially considering the cultural context where women weren't typically regarded as credible witnesses?
Reflect on the transformation of Jesus' disciples following his resurrection, from fearful and disheartened individuals to bold proclaimers of the Gospel. In what ways do you see the power of Jesus' resurrection working in your life or in the lives of others?
How does the message of Jesus' resurrection impact your perspective on Easter and your relationship with God? What practical steps can you take to continue growing in your understanding and experience of Jesus' resurrection power?
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At Cross Bridge, we are joyful and generous in our giving, because we see it as an act of worship, and a way for us to bring back to God's work a portion of what He has entrusted us to manage. The link below will direct you to our giving page. up for Pastor Brad's E-Note
A great way to stay connected to what is happening in the life of the church is to subscribe to Pastor Brad's E-Note. He sends one out about once a week, and we never share your email address with any outside organization. Use the link to subscribe.