Real Life Church KC

Pure of Heart
Locations & Times
Kentucky Trail Elementary
8301 E 163rd St, Belton, MO 64012, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
How to become the person that has deep and meaningful relationships.
DISCLAIMER: This series isn’t about where you have been; it’s about where you are going.
Give God your best and let Him bring his best!
Proof that you can sit in a church, even study your Bible, and look nothing like Jesus.
Interesting, how religious people are the only people allowed to break the rules.
If you’re perfect pick up the stone!
Jesus was and is the only person qualified to pick up a stone!
God saw her at her worst and still loved her, and cast out all fear.
Purity is “going now and leave your life of sin.” The problem: wasn’t sex; it was sin!
The freedom of your sins being forgiven and the pursuit of your purity needs to be the bedrock of you life and your marriage.
We don’t avoid sin to become holy, we avoid sin because we are holy! We are free power of sin, free accusers, rolled away the shame, free to walk with Him and there is deep pleasure that we get from pleasing Him.
Marriage isn’t a raging fire, maybe because you’re bringing just yourself and not God into your marriage.
- 50% marriages end in divorce
- 26% church going marriage end in divorce
- .006% of marriage that pray together.
- 50% marriages end in divorce
- 26% church going marriage end in divorce
- .006% of marriage that pray together.
Does you marriage cry out: “Go God!” or “Oh, God we have worked to do.”
Talk It Over
1. Reflecting on the sermon from John 8, what stood out to you the most about becoming a person who fosters deep and meaningful relationships?
2. Read John 8:1-11. How does the story of the woman caught in adultery challenge our perceptions of judgment and grace in our relationships, especially within marriage? Pastor Sean pointed out that Jesus was and is the only person qualified to pick up a stone. How does that statement encourage or challenge how you communicate in your marriage?
3. Pastor Sean emphasized the importance of purity in paving the way to intimacy. How do you think purity, both individually and within the marriage relationship, impacts the level of intimacy experienced?
4. Jesus said in John 8:11 “neither do I condemn you. Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”” Jesus emphasized forgiveness and freedom from sin. How can we apply this principle of forgiveness and freedom to our marriages, especially in times of conflict or struggle?
5. The statistics shared about divorce rates and the percentage of marriages that pray together were mind blowing. Why do you think incorporating prayer and spiritual connection strengthens your marriage?
6. How do you interpret the statement, "We don’t avoid sin to become holy, we avoid sin because we are holy"? How does this understanding influence our approach to marriage and relationships?
7. Matthew 5:8 says, “Blessed are the pure in heart,for they will see God.” Reflecting on your own marriage, do you feel like you are bringing God into your relationship effectively? What changes, if any, can you make to align your marriage more closely with God's intentions?
8. Pastor Sean said, “If your marriage isn’t a raging fire, maybe because you’re bringing just yourself and not God into your marriage.” What steps can we take individually and as couples to ensure that our marriages reflect a cry of "Go God!" rather than "Oh, God, we have work to do"?
1. Reflecting on the sermon from John 8, what stood out to you the most about becoming a person who fosters deep and meaningful relationships?
2. Read John 8:1-11. How does the story of the woman caught in adultery challenge our perceptions of judgment and grace in our relationships, especially within marriage? Pastor Sean pointed out that Jesus was and is the only person qualified to pick up a stone. How does that statement encourage or challenge how you communicate in your marriage?
3. Pastor Sean emphasized the importance of purity in paving the way to intimacy. How do you think purity, both individually and within the marriage relationship, impacts the level of intimacy experienced?
4. Jesus said in John 8:11 “neither do I condemn you. Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”” Jesus emphasized forgiveness and freedom from sin. How can we apply this principle of forgiveness and freedom to our marriages, especially in times of conflict or struggle?
5. The statistics shared about divorce rates and the percentage of marriages that pray together were mind blowing. Why do you think incorporating prayer and spiritual connection strengthens your marriage?
6. How do you interpret the statement, "We don’t avoid sin to become holy, we avoid sin because we are holy"? How does this understanding influence our approach to marriage and relationships?
7. Matthew 5:8 says, “Blessed are the pure in heart,for they will see God.” Reflecting on your own marriage, do you feel like you are bringing God into your relationship effectively? What changes, if any, can you make to align your marriage more closely with God's intentions?
8. Pastor Sean said, “If your marriage isn’t a raging fire, maybe because you’re bringing just yourself and not God into your marriage.” What steps can we take individually and as couples to ensure that our marriages reflect a cry of "Go God!" rather than "Oh, God, we have work to do"?
If you started a relationship with Jesus please let us know by checking "I committed my life to Christ" in your communication card or following the link below. GENEROSITY IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE
Thank you for being so faithful. We couldn't accomplish all we do without your support. Together let's pave the way to make much of Jesus!