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Waymaker Church - Faith in Real Life - Patient and Persevering

Sunday Morning Service 2.25.24

Sunday Morning Service 2.25.24

Sunday Service

Locations & Times

Waymaker Church

202 S Sunset Ave, Roswell, NM 88203, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Welcome to Waymaker Church! We are so excited to have you join us today! We exist to Encounter, Live for, and Advance the Kingdom of God!
Hard to believe that we have already finished the majority of the book of James. I don’t know about you, but I am thankful for the principles that James laid out in his instruction to the early church. He essentially gave us a road map to victory over the same issues that we face today.

If there is something I have personally learned through this study through the book of James it is this. Even though we live in a modern society where technology and amenities have changed, mankind has not changed. The fallen nature of man is still in need of salvation and renewal through the Word and the Spirit.

The process of renewal is the same. Like the early church we still develop spiritual maturity through patience and perseverance. Recognizing that our aim is to become doers of the word throughout our lives resulting in one day seeing him face to face.

Along the journey we learn to express a vibrant genuine faith by avoiding favoritism and walking in love. Allowing the inner work of the Holy Spirit to produce spiritual fruit in our lives.

To protect our hearts, and those around us we tame the tongue through godly wisdom and shield our hearts from pride and selfish ambition. Success in these things produces kingdom impact throughout our lives.

In the final message on the series, we are going to look at James 5:7-20. In this portion of scripture, James brings into sight the long-term view of Christianity and faith. This final vantage point that James gives is vital to the health and longevity of our Christian walk.
James says to be patient and establish your heart until the coming of the Lord. How do you do this? You get your eyes up. The now culture of our time draws our eyes to what is in front of us. If we fix our gaze on the temporal things of life, we will miss the immensely important aspect of eternity.

Our hearts become established when we live through the lens of eternity. Patient perseverance simply becomes part of the journey.

In John 17:16–18, Jesus said, “They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.”

This truth leads us to a clearer understanding of our “WHY” as believers. The eternal perspective drives us. We go into all the world and preach the gospel, we renew our minds with the word, we choose the road of transformation over conforming to the patterns of the world because we know He is coming.

James continues to give instructions on how we are to wait on the Lord.
As we encounter the challenges of life we must be mindful not to take it out on each-other. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

So easily we take out our frustrations in life in unhealthy ways. Married couples how many times do you have a rough day and come home and take it out on your spouse? Parents, you are dealing with the stresses of providing, taking care of the house, unexpected bills, and your kids end up getting on your last nerve just being kids and you lash out at them.
Students, your overwhelmed with life, school work, sports, the demands friends, and you go home and take it out on your siblings or maybe even your close friends.

In these moments we have to realize that our fight is not with each-other but with the enemy of our souls. James is reminding us to keep our focus on the right place. We need to get our eyes up. If we choose to live unjustly towards others we will inevitably fall into judgement.

We have to expect opposition in following Jesus, but in doing so we also must recognize our real enemy. Satan uses carnal lost people to do his work, and most of have no idea that they are being used. Even though we experience hurt and pain through our interaction with one another, the one who carries the eternal perspective fights for them, not with them.

James reveals further the tools we use to navigate through the life of faith.

James 5:13 “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.”

When we go through the storms of life what are we supposed to do?

1. Pray. Prayer shifts our perspective about the issues we face. Prayer positions us to hear from the Lord. Prayer enables you to overcome. Prayer leads us to personal transformation because it connects us to the one who created us. “Mark Batterson made this statement about prayer; Prayer is the difference between the best you can do and the best God can do.”

2. Worship. Worship is your weapon. Worship shifts your perspective to the greatness of God and, in turn, diminishes the size of your problem. Worship connects your heart to the Father. True worship leads you to a place of surrender in Him. In the place of surrender, our soul finds rest.
When we are suffering in life, we have a choice. Fight with one another or seek His presence through prayer and worship. One causes increased issues, and the other causes freedom.

God has positioned us to fight for one another in life.
The renewal of the mind and the pursuit of his presence will position us to walk in power. The gifts of the spirit in 1 Corinthians 12 are an outflow of time spent in the secret place.

One of the greatest shifts needed in the body of Christ is understanding why we are here. We owe the world an encounter with Jesus. Our salvation has great personal implications, but it is intended to be a faith that leads others to encounter.

This is the eternal perspective. We live with the end in mind. Because we know that one day every person will stand before the Lord and give an account of their life, we relentlessly pursue encounter with the Lord so that we might lead others into encounter with Him.

From the overflow of the secret place, we gain confidence and authority. We lay hands on the sick that they might be healed. James said the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

Effective prayer through faith performs as expected when in operation. The key to effective prayer is righteousness. Purity is the backbone to power.

James finishes his letter by imploring his readers to bring back the erring one. The simplicity of our faith is to love the Lord and walk according to His ways in humility. We also must go into all the world to preach the gospel.
This morning, we must remind ourselves to establish our hearts and fight the good fight of faith. Patiently enduring every trial and test so that we might produce kingdom fruit and add souls to the kingdom.

Mountain Moving Faith and Prayer

Mountain Moving Faith and Prayer

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