The Building Church
February 18, 2024 - Living In Awe of God | Week 2
February 18, 2024 - Living In Awe of God | Week 2
Locations & Times
Building Church
845 Slaughter Rd, Madison, AL 35758, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Aidos- Greek.
Reverence: “Profound -adoring-awed-respect”
Reverence: “Profound -adoring-awed-respect”
Godly Fear: awe. Fear, dread inspired by something great and terrific, to strike with fear and reverence. To influence by fear, terror, or respect.
Godly Fear: awe. Fear, dread inspired by something great and terrific, to strike with fear and reverence. To influence by fear, terror, or respect.
What does the Holy Fear look like?
1. To tremble at the Presence of God
2. To tremble at His Word
1. To tremble at the Presence of God
2. To tremble at His Word
Omnipresence: Everywhere all the time.
Manifest Presence: Emphanzio “to make apparent… to let oneself be intimately known and understood.”
The fear or Awe of God:
1. To Tremble at His Presence
1. To Tremble at His Presence
The fear or Awe of God:
2. To Tremble at His Word
2. To Tremble at His Word
To Tremble at God’s Word is to Obey:
- Him immediatley
- Him immediatley
Slow obedience is no obedience.
To Tremble at God’s Word is to Obey….
- Him immediately
- If it doesn’t make sense
- Even if it hurts
- All the way to completion
- Him immediately
- If it doesn’t make sense
- Even if it hurts
- All the way to completion
Benefits to those who Fear God:
1. Friendship with God
1. Friendship with God
Benefits of those who fear God:
2. His promises are established in my life
2. His promises are established in my life